
My heart

“I'm not going with you! I don’t want you anymore, I hate you, Alex!” Sandra yells and curses him.

“I regret the day I met you,” she said and Alex halted, turned back, and walks back to her.

“I know you didn’t mean that,” he asked her.

“I meant every word I say, I wish I never met you, you ruined my life, my brother is dead, my father and mother, they are all dead, and is all because of you! I will pay back Alex, I will pay back, no matter how long it takes, I will pay back.” She started to cry and Alex felt like a thousand needles had struck his heart, he bends over and held his heart.

“Alex are you okay?” Zack held him and he collapse into Zack’s arm.

Sandra only stares, she didn’t care if he was dead, he can die for all she cares.

“Sandra, please do something!” Zack said thinking that Alex was pretending so Sandra would forgive him but it was beyond that, Alex is dying, and his heart is under attack.

He has never had to run after a woman like he’s doing with Sandra, and she dare tells him she hates him?

He didn’t want to hear that from her, that is the last thing he will take from the woman he loves with all his heart.

That heart is now under attack and only Sandra can heal it.

“Alex! Alex, c'mon, what are you doing?” Zack shakes him as he began to notice he wasn’t joking.

“Sandra you have to come with me, now!” Zack commanded rather than ask.

“Yes” she rushed into the house, takes Lillian out of the bookstore, and enters the car with Zack, he drove them to the hospital.

“Doctor, what is wrong with him?” Zack and Sandra asks the doctor when he came out.

“He’s fine, but his heart is weak, he needs lots of rest.”

“What! Is his heart weak? How?” Sandra asks Zack.

“I don’t know, we need to call Clara, she has to know about this”

“Okay,” Sandra agreed, and Clara came to the hospital along with Jack.

“Why do you always end up in the hospital?” Jack asks Alex but Zack thought that is a stupid question to ask.

“Is okay, I will be fine” Alex said with a faint voice. “Where are Sandra and my daughter?”

“Over there” he manages to look but they are with Clara, they seem happy talking with Clara.

“I hope she never leaves again,” Alex said so worriedly.

“I don’t think she will leave if you keep your ass in a place,” Jack said.

“Hmm, the first time you are been reasonable” Zack muttered but Jack heard him.

“look! I didn’t come here for you okay if you have a problem with me just say so!” he yells at Zack but Alex begged him to stop.

“Talk to him, Clara loves me not you, understand?” Jack told Zack and walked away.

Alex looked at Zack, “Are you serious? You love my sister?”

“You believe that moron?” Zack asks trying to deny the accusation.

“No way..., is true, I can see it in your eyes. Alex said smiling at Zack.