
Mesmerizing beauty

“Hi, I’m doctor Evelyn” she gave him his hand seeing the way Alex looked at her.

“I'm Alex,” he said, and shakes her hand without averting his gaze from her eyes and those hands of hers… they were so soft that Alex didn’t want to let go.

She cleared her throat and Alex let go of her hands.

“I am your surgeon, I will be the one to help you undergo the process, I hope you’ve read and understand the condition of this surgery?” Alex just nods still staring but this time on her lips as they just move smoothly when she speaks.

“Are you okay? Mr. Alex” She asks and Alex snaps out of it.

“Yes, I’m fine”

“Okay then, are you with someone, and if you will like the person to be there while we operate on you.?”

“Yes! My girlfriend” Alex remembered Sandra.

“Hmm, your girlfriend” Evelyn repeats after him.

“Okay, this way” the doctor directs Alex to the operating room while someone gets Sandra and dresses her up in the hospital clothes.

Alex and Sandra were allowed to talk for some time before the operation began.

They are using Alex's picture for the operation, they are bringing his face back to his former face, Alex can’t wait to see his old self.

It took hours before they finish for the day, Sandra went home to meet Clara.

“How did it go?”

“Everything is going perfectly, is just that Alex has not woken up  yet.”

“I hope there is no problem?” Clara asks panicked.

“No, everything is fine, the doctor said I should go home and that he will wake up before tomorrow”

“I will be the one to go there tomorrow, you stay and take care of the baby” Clara said praying for tomorrow to come fast.

Clara arrived at the hospital the next day, Alex woke up but his face was bandaged, you can’t even see his eyes, he can only talk but everywhere is covered with bandages.

“Is fine, he needs a month to heal before the bandages will be removed and you can now see his face, I promise you, we are the best when it comes to cosmetic surgery” Evelyn told Clara and she agreed smiling at her and wonders how she could be this beautiful.

“Maybe she did plastic surgery too!” Clara wonders, she’s too beautiful to be called a human being, her beauty is so captivating and mesmerizing even for a woman like her.

How she wishes she was this beautiful. She wanted to ask Evelyn if she did surgery on herself but that will be rude, so she retreats to feeding her eyes on her beauty as she stayed in the hospital waiting on Alex.

Evelyn knew what her beauty does to people whenever they see her, so she is used to this kind of stares from people, she just learns how to be a professional and not take offense when people comment on her beauty, she is a natural-born beauty with a little touch of cosmetic surgery and she wonders why people just can’t seem to stand her beauty.