
Lily's house

“Are you okay?” Blaze ask lily after Sandra left her.

“What do you think? You can’t just stand there while she squeezed me to death!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think she will do that”

Sandra stood afar off and watch Blaze talking to the snake. She was afraid to come close now.

“That snake talks? And you know she’s a snake all alone?” Sandra asks Blaze from a distance.

“Yes, she’s my friend and she has a house here, we can go and stay there until we can go back home.” Blaze tries to explain to her but Sandra won’t have any of those.

“I am not going with you, she could eat us when we are sleeping”

“Do I look that big?” lily asks Sandra but she moves further away from them.

"Let her be,” Blaze told lily “Just take us to the house you talked about, I need some sleep. Lily changes back but this time to a beautiful young girl.

“Wow!, I like that” Blaze said smiling at her. “You can change to anything!.

“Not anything, there are limits to what I can do” she lead the way to their house, and Sandra followed in a distance, she has never seen something like this. The old woman just turned into a snake, and now to a young beautiful girl, more beautiful than us.

 She followed them at a distance and they came to a build old and abandoned but the doors are still strong, they walked into it and Lily ask them to make themselves comfortable while she dust a few things.

"So you say we all come from here, so what happened?"

"Magic" Lily reply 

"Magic what?" Sandra has been listening from outside so she thought to come in because she's interested in the topic.

It was some Seven  Hundreds years ago, that a new king arise in the time of magic and commanded that no one is allowed to use magic except him. But some of us refuse and decide to leave and never come back.

"So why don't you fight back?" Sandra ask.

"We did" lily pause, and faced down, she was so sad "There was a bloodbath, I lost my whole family but I had to flee when it became obvious I was going to lose my life."

Sandra and Blaze are now sitting quietly listening to her story as she set the fire to keep them warm.

"So?" Sandra ask wanting to hear more because Lily stopped talking and was setting the fire.

"So I left with nothing, while others are busy setting up their lives in the human world I had nothing and know nothing about surviving there and so I decided to turn into a snake and live in your basement," she said looking at Sandra.

 "No way!" Sandra yells looking at Blaze "You saw her in the basement the day I locked you up there?" Blaze nodded her head.

"So you have been leaving in our house all these years? how come you're still alive?." 

"Magic, I love using it, and I use it to stay young, since I got nothing, at least that is what I can do for myself"