
Joyful moment

“Don’t worry about Zack, he’s a good guy, is just that sometimes he could be so scary”

“I’m not afraid of him!” Jack said and Clara just laugh.

“I know you're not”

“I don’t like that guy, the guy has his eyes on you,” Jack said and Clara laugh the more.

“Are you jealous?” she asks him still laughing as they walk along the road.

“Shouldn’t I be?” Jack ask and stood still but Clara keeps moving.

“What’s she doing? Leaving me here?”

Clara stop a few distances and turned back only to see Jack still standing there.

“What are you doing? let's go”

“Do you love me?” Jack ask her yelling to make sure she heard him.

“Yes, I love you so much” she yell back and Jack ran to her and they hug and kiss in the middle of the road.

The road was lonely so they have all the time to kiss and laugh but then a car came by and blows the horn and they move out of the road still hugging and kissing.

“Get a room! idiots” the driver yells at them.

“Fuck you!” both Jack and Clara yell at the driver simultaneously and keep laughing.

“Yeah, he’s right, let’s get a room,” Jack said and they both laugh and started home.

Zack got home with his mother and there was joy everywhere, Adora was so sorry for her misbehavior but it was okay, everyone forgave her. But his mother told them about what Lincoln was planning, "Is no child’s play." She said

"Someone has to stop him but who?."

“I have always thought that Alex would be the one to stop him but he died so soon,” the woman said with so much sadness.

“If he succeeds in his plan, we all are doomed” she added.

Zack and his father just sat still listening to the woman as she narrated all she saw in Lincoln’s house.

She was so traumatic by what she saw. “Is okay mum, I believe Lincoln will not succeed in his plan” Zack tries to calm her down.

But his father thought to meet up with the council once more to discuss this project of Lincoln and to tell them that if nothing is done, they will all pay for their silence.

“Dad is of no use, you see how the whole council members have been bought over by Lincoln, I doubt if they will even listen to you,” Zack told his father but he insist.

“I’m sure there are still good people among the council who will listen to me” Zack gave up trying to convince him.

Zack walked out and went to the swing, he sat down and thought about Clara and Jack.

“What are they doing now? How I wish she loves me as much as I love her. What did she ever see in that clown of a guy?” Zack keeps thinking.

“I guess there is nothing I can do about it, I’ve tried telling her I love her but I guess she thought I was joking.”