
It dissolved

“ Who is he, and Why is he looking at me like that?” Brian whispered to Jack because he wasn’t comfortable with the way Zack looked at them.

“He’s Alex's friend, and he is kind of weird if you ask me” Jack whispered back but Zack can hear everything they were saying.

“Didn’t someone tell him I can design his face for him if he dares me?” Brian whispered again and Zack just scoffed at them.

“Calm down, we are not here for trouble” Jack turned to Clara, “so where can we find his body at least.”

“There is no body because it dissolves in a pool of acid,” Zack told them.

 “What!... No way!..”. Brian and Jack jump up together.

 “You mean my man Alex dissolved in a pool of acid? that is not possible!”

They raise their voice and cry, they didn’t know they loved him that much till this minute. Brian was the one who missed him the most because he was having issues with him before now.

He wishes he can turn back the hands of time and tell him he has nothing against him, but it was too late for that. They can’t see him again.

Zack got up to go when is time, asking Clara to come with him, at least that is what he could do for her because of Alex.

She refuse to go with him but he took her aside and told her of Sandra.

“What!, are you serious! Sandra is carrying Alex's baby?.. Oh. Thank goodness, am coming with you” she wipe out her tears and got ready to leave with Zack. She told Jack to go home and that she will visit him when she comes back.

Brian can't help but notice the body language of Clara and Jack and the way she ran to hug him when they first arrive. But he never said anything.

On their way home, Brian can’t take it anymore.

"Let me ask you one question” he turned to Jack with a straight face.

“What was that?”

“Excuse me! what was what?”

“I have eyes you know, she is Alex's sister Jack!, what is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”

“Of course you do, and now that Alex is dead which of course I don’t believe because that guy is weird, I think you just have to stop.”

“Still I don’t get you because I did nothing wrong back there”

“I saw the eyes, the body language, I know you man…stop this, is madness”

“When you are ready to tell me exactly what you mean, then let me know” he starts walking away from him thinking maybe Brown is jealous of him.

“Aahh…this guy….. You can never change, I hope you don’t do that to my sister because I just kill you” he muttered and starts walking to meet up with Jack.

They walked silently to the major road to get a taxi, but no cab was coming by.

“I guess we have to walk back home,” Brian said.