
It's enough

"Why must it to be me? what have I done to anyone to suffer all this?” Sandra cried as she stood upon the ashes of her house. She didn’t even get to see the body of her parents and little brother, she has never forgotten the face of her little brother, what has she done to get this kind of hash treatment from anyone?

Up till now, she can’t still remember what her crime is, everything happen so fast that she can’t wrap her head around anything, the only thing she knows is that Sandra and Blaze killed her parents because of Alex and that is why Alex should take responsibility and do the needful.

But instead, he keeps hurting her and it hurt more than what Blaze and Sandra have done to her and her family.

She stood there, her heart heavy and bittered, she cry her heart out. While Alex stood beside her begging her to come back with him.

He can’t bear to look at the pile of ash that now stood where Sandra’s once loving family house has been. He cried with her and beg her all day but she refused to go with him.

Turning to him she gave him a stern look, ignoring Alex's plead she walk past him and went to Brian's place to visit him, she has heard that Sandra and Blaze are now staying with him.

“Sandra!..” Pat and Brian are all over her and her baby. “she’s growing fast” Pat said.

Sandra’s face was red, her shoulders tense and her hands clenched into a fist. “Why did she have to come here?” She muttered at the sight of Sandra the fish seller and her baby, “I was supposed to be the one with that baby and not her."

“Get a grip,” Blaze told her, she was not ready to start a fight because she has learned that Brian was once Sandra’s boyfriend and it made her want to greet Sandra and make friends with her but the look on her face is not a friendly one at all so Blaze stays put.

"What are they doing in your house? Those murderers!” Sandra asked clenching her teeth. But Pat took her away into her room and ask her what is going on.

She told her About Alex, and Pat cursed, “I knew it, Alex has always felt that he’s too handsome to want to be with one woman, I remember warning you about him but I was surprised to hear that you are now dating him."

“Is Brian’s fault, he pushed me to Alex” Sandra said.

“Hmm, so what are you going to do now?"

“I don’t know, but I’m not staying here with those murderers,” she said looking at Blaze and Sandra, they could see her but they can't hear what she was saying because of the little distance between them.

Pretending like she didn’t see the angry look on Sandra's face, Blaze walked to them “how are you, Sandra?"

"Stay away from me” she warns.