
Is not safe

Brian woke up with a headache but Pat rushed to his side. “Brian…, are you okay? Where are mum and dad, what happens to you?” She keeps throwing the questions at him making it hard for Brian to process them all at once.

He hates it when his little sister comes around, she asks a lot of questions and doesn’t wait for answers.

“Pat…, when did you arrive?”

“I’ve been around enough to see you messed up, what happened here, why is everything so different”

“Hey. One question at a time” he yells at her, “and why are you here? Are you done with your studies?”

 “There is something called a break, Brian, I’m here for a break.”

“Oh…” he got up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.

“Pat please stay indoors okay, is dangerous to go out these days” Brian yells from the bathroom but pat is already out of the house, she has a lot of catching up to do with her friends. She didn’t even wait to hear what Brian has to say, she was already out of the house.

When Brian came out of the bathroom he couldn’t find her. “Pat… pat… where are you?” Brian starts to Panic, he can’t take it if anything happens to his only sister, he put on some cloth and went in search of her.

“What! You are not serious, are you? when did you start body guarding me?” Pat asks in surprise as Brian asks her to come home with her, is obvious he wasn’t joking, Pat has no option but to tell her friend she sees her some other time.

“You’re embarrassing me!” Pat grinds her teeth as Brian almost drags her out of her friend’s house.

“I’m not embarrassing you, I’m only protecting you”

“Are you serious? from who?” Brian didn’t know how best to explain to her, it may sound weird to her if she tells her the whole truth about what is going on. But he said something that made her jump.

“Alex is dead, and Sandra is hiding somewhere, and we are not saved”

“Uh!” she jumped in shock. “Alex is what? How? When? Why didn’t I get to know about it?” she ask all at once.

"Because I didn’t want you to worry, but I think that we are not safe, I’ve always wanted to run away.”

“Is that serious? So who are these people?”

“Let's talk at home” he pulls Pat and made her walk faster.

She just followed him obediently this time.

“So tell me, who is this person?” Brian told her everything that happened excluding the part where Alex turned into a monster. “ She won’t believe me, besides there is no use since Alex is dead.”.

Pat was silent for a while, she remembered those girls, she remembered the day they came to their house and beat her up, she clutches her teeth and make a fist. “I swear to you, this time will be different” she got up and left Brian.