
Is her fault

Sandra was beyond consoling, Zack and his parents were always there to Console her, but Adora refused to go to the hospital because she was kind of sad that she killed her man. "Alex would still be alive if not for her." She told Zack.

She hates her and wants to kill her with her bare hands.

“Why are you been like this?” Zack can’t just believe this, Adora has been a very strong lady who had no time for love, she considers being in love a thing for the weak, but she has completely changed since Alex came to their house.

All she thinks about is Alex.

You can’t continue like this, he’s dead now, we have to help Sandra because she is pregnant for Alex, at least that is what Alex will expect from you” Zack told Adora who refuse to talk to him.

She was angry that all her family are helping Sandra out, and what is worst, they are expecting her to do the same.

“Hmmm, she has some nerves” Adora speaks to herself. “She thinks she can come here and turn my family against me? taking Alex away from me is not enough huh…. And now he’s dead, I will teach you a lesson” she storms out of her room after.

Zack went back to the hospital with some food because Adora refused to take the food to Sandra.

Where is Adora?, she was supposed to be here so we can go home and rest a little” But Zack didn’t say anything, telling them the truth will only complicate issues.

They went home leaving Zack in the hospital.

 “What is wrong with you Adora!, why didn’t you come to the hospital so your brother can rest?” the already angry mother said.

"And why should I be there?, must the whole family go to her?, besides I don’t know her” she pick up a bag and walk out of the house leaving her parents surprised at her.

This is the first time she’s been disrespectful to them.

"Did you just see that?” her mum ask the father.

“Yeah,  leave her alone, maybe she’s in a bad mood.”

“Bad mood! since when?” but they let her be all the same.

Sandra woke up a few minutes as Zack's parents left the hospital.

“Where is Alex?” she ask Zack but he held her hand.

“You need to lie down okay, you need a lot of rest.”

"I can’t rest Zack, I need to see my Alex” she starts to cry as the scene flashes back in her mind.

“Tell me, Alex is still alive right, let’s go and find him” she try to get up but Zack helped her back onto the bed.

“Zack, please I can’t stay here, I need to go back” she cried.

“You can’t go back, no one is there to protect you, I can't protect you if you are out of here, you can only be saved when you stay here with me”

“What!, stay here with you?” those words sound weird in Sandra’s ears, how can she stay with him here without Alex?.