
I have a girlfriend

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she suddenly ask and the food hang in Alex throat.

“Oh sorry you need water” she rushed and brought him water to drink “I'm sorry about that” she apologize.

“It's ok” he took the water from her and drank it looking at her wondering why she should ask him that kind of question. “what did she want?”

Alex refused to answer the question he just went ahead and start eating again but Adora will not give up, she likes him, she wants him to be her man. that is if there's no other girl.

“I have a girlfriend” he said but refused to look at her straight in the face when he said that.

 “And where is she?” Adora won’t give up so easily.

“I don't know but I  intend to find out where she is, your brother said they kidnapper her and I want to find my sister too” Alex find himself explaining  to her Adora.

“I will help you find them, I'll come with you wherever you go I will come with you and I will help you find them.”

“You can't come with me, because I really do not know where to find them.”

“I can help you find them trust me,” Adora said moving closer to Alex but Zack came in and then she went back to her sitting position.

Zack stood there for some minutes looking at Adore and saying nothing, he knows what his sister is capable of doing. If she wants Alex, nothing will stop her from getting him.

How are you alex?”

Sm cool”

“Can u talk to you adore?” Zack took adore outside.

“Yeah, yeah, what again?, just stop it I know what you want to say, am just chatting with him.”

“That doesn’t  look like chatting to me, Alex is married and he also has a girlfriend which I know he loves more than his wife.”

“Really!, he must be an interesting guy” she said sarcastically.

“Am serious, stay away from him”

“What if the guy wants to kiss me?” she ask Zack and start walking away not listening to what Zack is saying.

“What the fu*k is wrong with her?, I wish sometimes that she’s not my sister” Zack murmured and walk back to Alex who is ready to leave.

You can’t go now” “Why?”

Because you have no where to go, you have nothing left Alex, no House, no money, nothing, well of course you still have your sister and Sandra.

Alex feels like collapsing, now he understands that Zack is the only solution he has, if he is going to take back what belongs to him, he must listen to want Zack is saying and not try to oppose him again.

Look, I will take you to where Sandra is, but you must promise to do what I said.

Alex look at Zack but said nothing, he is not about taking orders from this dude.

Do you agree?, because am not taking you there if you keep on behaving the way you do.