
Help me

 “Oh..No! I just guess that’s what you are thinking, I saw the way you looked at Clara when she was talking. I didn’t mean to scare you” Alex realized himself and made excuses to cover up.

"Yes!" Clara cuts in making Jack fotgets about that.

Sandra just looked from Alex to Jack and then to Clara, but she kept eating without saying anything, she’s used to their weird behavior by now, and she just wondered why Jack is so blind to see.

Jack and Clara left and Alex was so happy to go tell Brian and the rest that he is now the head of the clan.

“So what next?” they ask him.

"I will need all of your help, the first thing I need to do is, find the people who killed my parents” Alex said looking at Sandra and Blaze.

"So you want us to help you look for those who killed your parents?” Blaze asks Alex.


Blaze smirked. “Are you kidding me? You already know who killed your parents and you have taken your vengeance on them, they are dead already,” she said looking at Sandra.

"Then I want you guys to help me take back all my parent's properties, companies, and estates, I promise to reward everyone.”

Brian looked at Blaze and hug her, she’s heavily pregnant but that won’t stop her from fighting, she’s way stronger than most of them.

There was silence for a brief moment and then Sandra spoke. “Lincoln is the one who masterminded the murder of your parents, my parents were only acting on orders, but there are other powerful men and women you need to deal with in other to get back your inheritance, Lincoln is the least of your problems." , Sandra said and that is what Alex was waiting to hear.

"So what you are saying is that Lincoln is a child’s play?"

“Exactly”, Blaze said “Lincoln is a puppet used by the most powerful men and women both in our world and the world of the humans, some of which are government top officials and military men and women

The death of your parents was predicted a long time ago”

Alex listen to Blaze and Sandra without interruption but Brian was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing.

"I think you're  not going to get yourself involved more then you already do” Brian told Blaze.

“Alex took Brian aside and told him to let Blaze help out.

“Look, guy, I know she’s now your wife or whatever but you need to let her do this, she will be fine”

"You don’t tell me what t do okay, she’s my woman now and carrying my child."

“Wow, I almost forget to ask, how did you tame that wild horse of a Blaze, I just hope she won’t kill you one of these days" Alex whispers.

“Stop it, have you killed Sandra?” he asks.

"Is different you know that, I can never hurt Sandra, but can you say that for Blaze? I’m only looking out for you as my friend”

"Thanks but no thanks, she’s the sweetest thing that has happened to me”

“Wow, tell me about it” Alex said laughing at him.