
He's richer than you know

Clara traces her gaze down to Alex's wrists and there is the bangle. 

"How come!” she asks herself surprised that the bangle has been with Alex all this while.

Alex trace her gaze down to his wrists also as she was still looking at his hand.

“You want this?”

“Huh.! No” she shakes her hand because she didn’t want Alex to suspect anything.

"You know I’m not going to give you this?” he raised his hand showing her the bangle.


“I will give it back to you when all this is over and Jack is back at his house, I don’t want you doing anything in this house with him.”

“But that is not fair,” Clara said making a face like she was going to cry.

"This is my house, let him go to his house and do whatever he wants to do with you,” Alex said getting up to leave. And Clara could only laugh.

“You’re jealous” she yells after him still laughing.

“Whatever,” Alex said and walk out but almost bumps into Jack.

“Hey. Where are you going?” Alex finds himself asking before realizing himself.

“Just getting some fresh air” he pointed at the door.

“Going outside?” he ask surprised because Jack is not supposed to go outside, something bad might happen to him, but he didn’t want to go outside, he change his mind once he saw Alex coming out of Clara’s room.

Alex looked at him knowing he was lying.

“Come with me” Alex took him and they went to the underground building instead.

Alex thought he has to keep Jack and Clara busy throughout their stay here, he didn’t want them to do anything like that in his house.

“This is my house” he always screams in his head each time he thinks of Jack and Clara.

He promised himself to punch Jack in the face when he returned because of how he saw both of them in his room the other day.

But he was unable to fulfill that promise because of the current happens.

He still looks forward to doing that, he hasn’t found the right time to give him that punch.

“Wow!, what is this place?” Jack was so flattered, he has never seen something this beautiful.

“This place is so beautiful” Jack exclaimed.

“Yeah, I find out about it when I was looking for something, but why my parents didn’t tell us about it, is what I don’t know”

“Maybe they are trying to keep it away from you”

"But why? My parents are so secretive, they hide everything from us and as I speak to you, I get to know about them from a man called Vampire.

My father was a secret agent, and he has so many enemies so he hide me and Clara in this house, this is not our main house.”

Alex told Jack almost everything about himself.

“What!, you are that wealth?” Jack can’t believe this.

“Dose Clara know?” Jack ask.

“Not everything, I don’t think she knows about this underground building, I’m still trying to find out more, I only know the one Vampire told me, and is huge Jack, I will need help because I think Lincoln is a child’s play compared to the enemies I’m going to encounter on the way.

Jack only opens his mouth wide, looking at Alex in amazement.