
He's gone

Evelyn worked up and rub her head. She thought she saw Alex just now. "Where did he go to? Or am I dreaming?"

She reluctantly moves from her couch to her bathroom to check on the spot on her head. She can feel some kind of pain there. She looked in the mirror but she can't find any scar. "What happened to me?" she picked up her phone to try to call Alex but it was switched off.

"Ah,.. maybe it's just a bad dream," but she can still feel the pains on her forehead. "What kind of dream is this?" She went to her dad. 

"Did you see Alex anywhere around here?"

"No dear, are you looking for him? Maybe he's with his family, you know?"

"No, Dad I think I saw him somewhere in my room, we were talking, but, Ash.." She rub her head again "I just slept off, I don't know what happened" she keep rubbing that part of her head, and Lincoln just hastened to his tea kettle and pour out some green tea for her.

"Maybe it's just a headache," he said and hands the cup over to her.

"Thank you. " she sips on it and keeps running that part of her head.

'My dear, come, sit. " Lincoln made her sit down.

" I think that you should let Alex go. He doesn't love you. Just let him go, there are thousand and one handsome guys out there, just let this one go please, he's not worth it anyway," Lincoln said stroking Evelyn's hair as he speaks, making her relax.

“But dad….”

“Shhhh….” Lincoln said to her, still stroking her hair.

"It's okay, my dear, just let him go," he whispered in her ear.

"Okay, Dad, I'll think about it, but I don't like what I saw. I think Alex is in trouble."

"Shhh. Just relax, Alex can take care of himself” he keeps speaking into her ear and trying to use magic to erase Alex's memory from his daughter. He doesn't want Evelyn to remember anything about Alex, he wants Alex to remain his internal prisoner.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asks Lincoln because she's beginning to feel funny and she got up to go, but Lincoln asks her to sit back. He wants her to relax.

"Dad, I have to go to work. I'll see you when I come back," she got up to go.

"Okay dear, just be careful and take care of yourself and just relax, okay," he said and let Evelyn go.

Sandra waited for Alex, but he didn't come back home for the rest of the night. She tried to call Clara but no! Alex will be angry that she didn't trust him anymore, "I will just wait for him to come back" Sandra paced back and forth in her room getting worried, she called and called but Alex is not picking up his call.

Tears stood in her eyes. She can't believe that Alex did it again. She can't believe that he slept outside again. "This is going to be the end." she frowned in anger.