
Half of Alex

“I see” they talk for sometimes before he came out to inform Alex that he has looked into her and find half of Alex inside of her.

“What?, we need to force him out” Alex said looking at himself.

He turned to look at Clara. “But I used the bangle you gave me, you told me nothing will happen to her if I use the bangle.”

Zack took a look at the bangle. “This bangle will only prevent you from changing not to stop her but you”

“What!, but Clara didn’t explain this to me”

“Will you blame me” Clara cuts in. “When I use it on Johnson, it didn’t have any effect on him, but this your Sandra is what I don’t know”. They keep arguing.

Zack told Alex that Sandra was pure, and that’s why part of him wants to share in her light because Alex has never been really happy with want he has become.

“But I didn’t said that” he told Zack.

“You don’t have to say it, you look up to her and want to be with her for the rest of her life”

“Yes, nothing is wrong if I wish to marry her, but to possess her is want I won’t do. Please help me force what ever has possess her out, I need my cool and calm Sandra back.

“Well, except you want her dead, you’ve already done it Alex, there is nothing anyone can do about it”

Alex was heart broken, he was looking for a way to free himself and now Sandra has become one of them.

When Clara went away, Zack told Alex that the guy Clara used the bangle on was not pure, but because he was the first person to have sex with Sandra that is why it so happen that way.

“I told her to wait but she won’t listen, if I had known, I would have let Brian have her” Alex cried.

Zack and Clara went home leaving Jack, Alex and Sandra. But Jack was no longer comfortable staying there, he wanted to go home but Alex keep reminding him that he is not safe at his home.

“Fine, everybody dies anyways” he took his stuff to go” murmuring as he pick his stuffs. “Sandra almost kill me, and no one is ready to tell me what is going on”

After Jack left Sandra came out to confront Alex.

“What is going?, and why is everyone whispering! Where is Jack going to”

“You almost kill Jack, I guess he’s afraid of staying her with you”

“Really?, but I don’t know what came over me, is like something over took me and I couldn’t stop it.”

“I know, we will find a way okay”. She nod and Alex hug her.

Jack got home but came face to face with Blaze.

“What do you want!”

“Look at who we got here” she stood up from her sitting position and walk towards Jack but he has had enough of them harassing him, he was going to report them to the police the next time they show up in front of him.