
Get me pregnant

What is going on with her father, is he looking forward to seeing his grandchild before he dies! Yes, that is it!.

She walk to her father and held his hand.

“Dad, don’t worry, I will give you a grandchild before you die, is a promise, I understand how you feel.” She said still holding her father's hand.

“Huh!” Lincoln was confused for a minute then immediately got it and then breaks down pretending to be crying.

“When will I see my grandchildren? Now I’m getting old.”

“Don’t worry, I will give you a grandchild soon.” Lincoln nods and looked at his hitman, the man walked away to the door.

“My child” Lincoln clears his throat before continuing. “Get Alex to impregnate you, I need a grandchild, the doctor said I have a few years to live”.

“What! You’re not feeling well? I’m taking you to the hospital” she pulls her father toward the door.

"No! No! I just went for a check-up this morning, and that is why I’m worried, just let me see my grandchild."

“Is okay, I will do something about it”

Evelyn went to the office, disturb that her father will die soon, and nothing will make her regret the more that she didn’t give her father a grandchild, at least that is all parents' dream, to see their children give them another child, right?”

She has never been unable to meet up to her father’s expectations, she has always been trying to prove herself to her father and now, he wants grandchildren, at least that I will do for him.

Evelyn called up Alex the next day because he has refuse to return her calls the previous day.

"How about we start a family” Evelyn ask Alex as they sat down on her sofa and her hands played with the hairs on Alex's chest.

“What? No!, I’m not ready”

“Why? I mean Sandra has a baby with you, and you are not even married to her, so why is it a big deal if I want a baby with you?”

“Look is different”

“What's different? Is she better than me?” she asked pulling away from Alex.

“That's not want I’m saying, I mean I need to be crown the head of the clan before I can think of anything like having another baby”

“I see, I’m not what you want right?” she got up and went outside. And Alex followed her, she was so tempting this night, she was putting on a revealing nightgown that made Alex’s eyes pop.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just need time” he said following her like a lost puppy.

“Time to do what?” She turned and comes back to him holding him and caressing his chest, she kissed him and he responded. He just can’t say no to her.

Alex believes that she is the first girl that has given him a hard time, and losing her just yet is not worth it.

“Make me happy Alex, get me pregnant”

"If that is what you want,” he said and grabbed her pulling her to a beautiful grass bed outside, and then he have her there.

One thing Alex likes the most about Evelyn is that he can have her anywhere within the house, the kitchen, outside, bathroom, almost anywhere.