
Get a grip, Alex!

He hurried after Evelyn and pulled her back.

“I'm sorry but, is he truly your father?” Alex was confused because he thought Lincoln has never been married and not to talk of him being the father of this beauty.

“Listen, Alex, I don’t know what you are talking about, but that’s my father.

 I told him about the successful operation I did on my client and he invited me to a party.

 After showing him your picture he insisted on seeing you and to know if I’m telling the truth.

My father has always been against me becoming a surgeon, he wanted me to join the family business but I refuse, and so I have lived my life always trying to prove myself to him.

He was very happy for me when I told him about the successful operation and all you could do is insult him!” she storms out of the room and Alex went after her begging.

“I’m sorry, I…I didn’t know he was your father and sorry about the way I spoke to you” he held her hand and she forgave him.

“So can we go back to the party” Evelyn ask Alex but he just held her hand and stared into her eyes as he’s eyes searched hers.

Jack clears his throat and Alex came back to his senses.

Evelyn hurried away leaving Jack and Alex.

“You have to take it easy Alex, get a grip of yourself.”

“I'm trying man”

“And besides, she’s the daughter of the enemy,” Jack said running his fingers through his hair.

They both stood there not talking to each other. But then Jack spoke first.

“Just forget about this game, you have Sandra”

“I wish I could stop my head from thinking about her” Alex said and Jack turned to look at him.

“What are you saying? are you falling for her? what about Sandra?”

“Leave Sandra out of this, she’s the woman I’m going to marry, but this girl, she’s stuck in my head for days.”

“Hey. You guys are here” Sandra finds them, he has been looking for Alex.

“Yeah, let's go back to the party,” Alex held Sandra while they walk back to the party but he turned back to look at Jack who still stood there not moving, he only shakes his head at him.

Lincoln was holding the dance floor to ransom, he made everyone laugh with his dance moves, but Alex and the likes didn’t laugh, they know him, and they are watching every of his move.

Alex steals glances at Evelyn as she smiles at her father’s dancing moves.

They drink, laugh, and dance but Alex never lets any opportunity pass by without him using it to get close to Evelyn and whisper things into her ear.

She was a little drunk but she understands him perfectly well.

The party came to an end and is time to leave, Alex went outside with Evelyn and they talked and she went into her car.

“You are such a playboy Alex” he heard a voice behind him and turned speedily. Is Lincoln.