
Game time

Bring your voice down, you don’t know what you’re talking about”.

“What is she doing in your bedroom?”.

She needed my help okay, I can’t say no, beside their lives are in danger, both hers and Alex. She can’t go home now”

“What?, is that why I no longer see Alex?”

Now you’re reasoning like a human being, you see why you can’t sleep here tonight?”

“Did I say I want to sleep here?, nonsense, please if you see Alex call me.” She took her handbag and left.

“Wow… thank goodness” Jack let out the tension he was feeling, turned on the TV, it was time for the evening match, he took his position at the sofa, yelling and kicking the air, hitting on the table when his favorite man miss a goal or gets the yellow card.

Clara was trying to get a sleep, but Jack keeps yelling at the Television screen disturbing her without knowing.

He has totally forgotten that he has a visitor and keeps yelling “go get it boy….what are you doing?, oh… fuck…shit.. Fuck you referee”. He keeps yelling and Clara came near the door of the bedroom, stood there and watch Jack yelling at the television.

She shook her head but somehow the game got her attention and she find herself boxing the air, oh…shit..” she yell when one of the guys miss a goal.

“Oh…did I wake you?, I’m sorry, I  totally forgot that you’re here.”

Is ok, I love the game too”

“Really, come sit” he made room for her but Clara sat on the floor because is only one sofa in the house.

No…you don’t have to, I will sit on the floor instead” he got up for her to sit but she refused.

“Ok, we all sit on the floor then” Jack got up and sat on the floor too. Clara just smile at him and resume watching the match.

They both keep shouting yelling at the players, sometimes they yell at the referee.

The match ended in the first half 1-1.

You know what?, I have to get us a drink, you can’t be watching match without drinks.” Jack said but Clara only smile.

He rushed out to the get them drink only to find out that is already dark outside.

“What’s the time?” he looked at his watch, is pass 8pm. He hurried back with the drink, gave one to Clara and took one.

 After few minutes the game resume for the second half, but Clara and Jack keeps yelling and laughing, they’ve taken three bottle already and Clara starts saying things.

The match ended with 2-1 but Clara has been knocked off before the game end.

Jack has to take her to bed and cover her with the sheet, then he make himself a bed in the sitting room.

At midnight Clara came down with a high fever, she start whimpering in her sleep, she huddle the sheet on herself shaking and making sound.

Jack went to the bathroom to empty his trunk when he heard noise like a cat in his bedroom, he leaned forward to listen.