
Freedom is given

“Wait,” Clara hurried out of bed and went to her dressing drawer to take her hand bangle.

She search everywhere for it but she couldn’t find it.

“Oh..shit..” She remember giving it to Alex to use but he didn’t return it.

“Where is Alex?” she hurried out of the room with Jack looking at her and wondering what she was looking for.

But then a thought cross his mind and he laughed.

“This babe is a crook, she is looking for co*dom, what did she take me for?” He lies on the bed and faced up smiling crookedly.

Clara went to Alex room to ask him of the bangle she gave him but Alex is not in.

“Oh.. For fuck sake where did he drop it” she search the whole room but couldn’t find it.

“What am I going to do now?, if I don’t put on that bangle Jack is going to freaking out”

She went back into the room feeling some how sad.

“What is it?, are you looking for something?"

“Yes, but I can’t find it”

“Don’t worry I won’t get you pregnant”


“Yes, I know how to do it, don’t  worry about pregnancy” Jack said smiling at her but she wasn’t smiling.

She has never thought of pregnancy before but now that he mentioned it she start thinking about the possibility of what a child with a mortal will look like.

"Will you like me to have your baby?” she ask all of a sudden.

“What!, no… I mean yeah, .. But who is talking about babes now?” he smile and hold her hands pulling her to himself.

“Are you saying you don’t want a baby with me?”

“That is not what I said, I mean even if we are going to have babes together that will be a long time, you see”

Clara wasn’t comfortable with this, she’s  not ready to show herself to someone who will not completely accept her for who she is, not to talk of he didn’t even wants to have babes with her.

“Did I say something wrong?” Jack ask because she suddenly go cool.

“No, nothing… I was just feeling sick, can we go to the kitchen!, I want to make food for us”

“Sure” he said a little disappointed because he thought today was the day.

“Where did Alex go?”

“Alex is with Sandra, having fun a guess” Jack said with the hope of lighting their own fire but it didn’t work.

“Hmmm, I envy them”

“Why?.. don’t be, you have me”

“Yeah, I know” but Clara can’t do anything with Jack without that bangle.

Alex and Sandra keeps talking with Alex always drifting away from the topic of intimacy whenever Sandra brought it up.  He gave all manner of excuse why he want her to remain untouched till he married her.

Is beginning to get to her nerves and she demanded that Alex takes her back to her house.

Is too dangerous, they will come for you, trust me am working on something and this will be over soon.

“That is what you keep saying” she yell at him and walk away with Alex following after her.