

 "Yeah, he came out after you left, this guy appears from the house, what’s his name?” Zack taps his head to remember “ yeah Don, his name is Don”

"Don! I think I’ve heard that name before, is she dating him?”

“I don’t know, but it didn’t seem like it, I have to wait for her to come back, she has to tell me who that guy is, I think I’m in love with her, so she has to clear me,"

Alex could feel his pain. “Don!” he muttered as they drive the lonely road back home.

He refuses to go home until he has seen Pat.

“Are you still there”? Pat asked him as he waited for her just by the entrance of her house.

“I want to get something straight from you, I need you to tell me the truth, if you consider me your friend please tell me the truth” Pat stares at him as she wrinkles her forehead.

She was surprised at his aggressiveness, did he love her that much to want to know everything about her?

“Okay, what do you want to know?”

“About that guy, is he your boyfriend?”

She smirked at him, “Seriously, why do you ask?”

“Just answer my question,” Zack said. He could get the answer by reading her mind, but he wants to hear from her, he wants her to say it with her mouth.

“No, he’s not”

He was relieved, he almost hugged her out of excitement, “So what are you doing with him?”

“Don’t ask me that”

“Why not?  You are my gi…” he pause, you're my friend, and I’m just worried about you”

“Hmm,”  Pat smirked, she knows she is more than just a friend to him, but why is he not going straight to the point? Is he waiting for me to ask him out? No way! I can’t do that!" She said in her mind and Zack smirked making Pat wonder if he heard what she was thinking.

“You can go in now, I will go ahead, I’m glad you are not dating that horrible guy, but I’m still not happy that you are hanging out with him.”

She wanted to tell him she was not hanging out with but, but he was already leaving.

“What exactly did he want from me? if he likes me let him say so, keeping me hanging like that huh!” she went inside the house but she bumped into Sandra.

“Why are you always sneaking around? Someone will think you are doing something bad” Pat said to her, she has had enough of Sandra, and she was beginning to get pissed off with her.

Pat knows that Sandra deliberately bumped into her, maybe she saw her with Zack, then what?.

“Is you who is sneaking around,” Sandra replied, “If you are not careful, you will fall for his trap” she told Pat and walk away.

“His trap? What is she talking about?” She has had enough, she hastily catches up with Sandra and pushed her to the wall.