
Emotional Alex

“I’m not leaving you, Alex.”

“No matter what?”

“No matter what Alex”

“Thank you” he hug her and tears stood in his eyes but he didn’t let Sandra see it, he suddenly becomes emotional and want to confess to her that he has been cheating on her but his daughter’s voice was heard crying and Sandra got to take care of her.

“I will be right back”

“Yeah,” he hide his face until Sandra left the room.

Alex cried a little and went to his baby’s room, he felt guilty for not always being around to take care of the baby, and he walks slowly into the room as Sandra breastfeed the baby.

He looked at them with so much compassion and regret, he didn’t give his daughter much attention as needed, he was always giving that attention to another and it breaks his heart to see that the baby is almost nine months old and he didn’t even know the face of his baby very well.

He went and sat down on the floor looking at the little thing who looks so much like him, she carried all his beauty.

He took her tiny hands in his and play with her.

Her smiles brighten the whole room and Alex never wanted this moment to end.

“She has your eyes,” Sandra said smiling at him.

“Yeah, thank you for giving her to me”

“I thought you don’t like her because you were expecting a male child,” Sandra said.

“Far from it, I love her with all my heart, is that what you were thinking?” Alex asks as if he didn’t hear her the first time.

“Well, you always run off without asking how we are doing”

“Hmm, is my fault, I’m so sorry” he took the baby from Sandra and took her outside.

The little thing was all smiling, the first time in daddy’s hand and walking outside, the feeling was different for the little soul, she smile so brightly as Alex keeps making her laugh.

"You don’t ever frown,"  Alex asks her and she giggled and he laughs with her even though he didn’t know why she keeps smiling.

“Babies are always happy” he muttered as he plays with his daughter.

But Alex keeps wondering what the baby would have been like had it turned out to be a male child, "they said my child will be more powerful than me, am I even that powerful?” he asks himself, and the baby giggles.

Alex was surprised, “I hope this baby is not hearing want I’m saying,?" but by now he should be used to his kind.

With his kind anything is possible. “Can you hear what I’m saying?” Alex asks the nine-month-old baby and it giggles again.

“Yeah, I guess so” he muttered, and then Sandra came to join them.

"Look at you” Sandra held the little one jaw and shakes it. “Daddy is home today and she’s so happy” Alex was kind of sad to hear that.

“I will try to be home more often,” he muttered.


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