

Alex was surprised at Sandra. He thought she was okay with magic. She said she loves him the way he is, but why is she yelling with so much bitterness in her tone?

It seems she doesn’t like it. Maybe she’s pretending to love me.

“Uh… is okay, she's just a little girl,” Alex said, but Sandra fly’s in anger.

“I don’t want to see her practice magic in this house, I don’t want to see her speak to those rats, she pisses me off” she yells leaving Alex and Lilian alone, she went to the kitchen, unable to continue with what she was doing, she thought about her life.

“Is this all a mistake? How is my life like this? Why is all this happening to me?” she was all in tears but she didn’t want Alex to see it.

“Is okay, daddy is here” Alex said to Lillian. "Don’t worry about your mum, okay?  She loves you, she’s just going through a lot” Alex comforts his daughter, he made her continue with her homework, and then he walked back to Sandra.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine!” she wipe her tears quickly but Alex saw her.

“You're crying,”

“I'm not”

“You don’t have to lie. Why did you marry me? I showed you what I have become, and you still accepted to marry me. Why can’t you accept my daughter?” Alex asked, disappointed.

“Stop it, Alex, she’s just a kid. You are a grown man and you can control yourself, but Lilian doesn’t know how to do that. Do you know what she might be going through in school? What if she killed something?”

Sandra asked Alex, her real fear is that if Lilian is just like Alex, she might one day burn a child to death. She didn’t think she can leave with that.

“I will teach her, I will take her off that school, I will have someone come to teach her at home,” Alex said, panicking.

The look on Sandra's face when he said that was not convincing. She looks like she was regretting having Lilian as her daughter.

“Please don’t do this to me. I know I’ve ruined your life, is not my intention to do so,” he held her.

She draws in a shaky deep breath when he said that, everything he said was the truth because sometimes she feels like beating herself up.

“Alex, I’m tired, I don’t know what to do! How will people look at me?”

“And by that, you mean?” Alex asked because he didn’t understand what she meant.

“She can’t be a monster” the words came out of her mouth before she realized that Alex was hurt by her words.

“I didn’t mean it that way, I..I. Mean people calling my daughter a monster. Do you know how that made me feel?”

“She’s not a monster, she just happened to get some extra ability, which humans can’t have.”

“Wait a minute, did you just say humans? Does it mean my daughter is not a human?” Sandra asked, panicking.