
Doing too much

“Oh my goodness!” Jack cackled at him. “I think you just need to concentrate on getting better”.

"You don’t understand, if she didn’t find me attractive then it means I’m ugly” Alex was worried about the outcome of the surgery, what if he end up looking like someone else, but he gave them his best picture to use for the surgery?.

“You worry too much Alex, you have Sandra and she knows that you were once handsome, so is no big deal,” Jack said still laughing.

“I know, but why is this girl doctor so cool,?” she sparks the light in Alex's head.

“I think is a bad idea”, Jack said seeing how Alex was quiet and sat Moody.


“I mean what you are thinking, you have Sandra now, you don’t want to play this game Alex”

Alex stayed in the hospital until his bandage was finally removed and his face revealed to him.

He stood in the mirror and smiled at himself “Welcome back Alex” he said smiling.

He’s so pleased with Evelyn, she did a great job, and he wanted so much to reward her for a job well done.

“Thank you, I’m just doing my job, you don’t owe me any favors,” Evelyn said as Alex was in her office asking her to be his guest and in a way that tells Evelyn, he meant something more than just a dinner in his house.

“Why do you always refuse me?” Alex ask but Evelyn didn’t answer, she was looking ahead of Alex and then he followed her gaze to Sandra sanding at the office door.

“Oh, okay, see you, next time doctor,” Alex said but Evelyn said nothing.

Sandra couldn’t help but notice Alex's weird behavior.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, everything is fine, let’s go home” he took Sandra home and everyone was rejoicing. But Alex keeps thinking of doctor Evelyn.

He left everyone and went inside his room, stand in the mirror and look at himself, it was almost impossible to tell if he has ever had an accident, the surgery was so perfect, he was even more handsome now than before.

He brought out his phone and texted Evelyn.

She received the message and read it.

“Tomorrow, dinner at 5 pm, I'm hosting a party, don’t say no, is just a party” Evelyn smirked at the text message.

"Hey… what are you doing here alone?” Sandra came looking for Alex.

“Oh.., I. I just want to change my cloth”

“Okay, hurry up we’re waiting for you”

Alex went back to everyone and announced he is hosting a party for his friends because he was so happy to have his face back.

“Yeah!, that will be lovely” they all cheer.

 “Is that necessary?” Sandra ask. “We should be keeping a low key, you know we have enemies everywhere” Sandra was nervous.

“Don’t worry, the only problem we have is Lincoln, but he will not bother us again.”

He asks Clara to help in the preparation, he was doing too much for this party that Clara and Sandra became suspicious.

“Hey…, what is going on?” Clara asks him. Why are you doing too much?.”

“I don’t get you, too much how?”