

“This guys are jokers, I believe they don’t know where they are.” She muttered and felt sorry for them, Alex is the one who put them in this danger. I already told him to stay away from them, now look where they are. We are all going to die her” she cry silently.

"Did you hear that?” Brian ask Jack.

“Hear what?”

“I think someone is here with us, hey… show yourself or you will be sorry if you try to attack us” Brian said shaking like a leaf.

Clara kept quiet because she knows how unserious Alex friends could be.

“I said show yourself” Brian yell again.

“How do you want the person to show himself when is dark like this?”

“Yeah… your right, but I still need to scare the person” Brian whispers, but Clara could still hear him.

“I think I have a lighter in my pocket” Jack brought out the lighter and light it. “Who’s there” he called but Clara kept quiet. They both walk slowly to the place where Clara is while getting ready to hit who ever, if he tries to attack them.

“What!, Clara! What are you doing here?, and to talk of it, you even heard our voice and you kept quiet?”

“What difference does it make?, we all are going to die here anyways”

“What?, no.. no.. I'm not going to die, if you want to die, you can die.  But I am not going to die here” Brian said.

“We have to leave and you are coming with us” Jack told her with confidence

“And how do you plan to do that?” Clara ask, because she has try on many occasions to escape and that is why she was transfer to this well secure place.

“This” he showed her the lighter. “We are leaving here with this lighter.”

“Clara scoffed at him. “always a joker” she murmured.

"Lets go” but Clara showed less concerned.

“Why are you not moving?, do you like this place that much?” Brian ask annoyed.

“What is the point?, everyone is dead, my parents, Alex, everyone is gone, why will I want to live?”

Jack went down “Look, Alex is alive, but…but.. I think he ran away again. We went to the house to look for him and those men caught us and brought us here.”

“What!, Alex is alive?” she got up so excited to hear that. “Then we are going to find him.”

“At least now you’re talking” Brian murmured but Jack hit him asking him to stop.

They went to the door and start heating the door padlock with the lighter.

“And how long do you think we can do that?” Clara ask thinking they are not serious.

“As long as it takes to get out of here and not die” Jack reply while still busy burning the padlock.

They heard footsteps and rush back to their position.

The guard took hold of the padlock but it burned his hand.

“Oh for goodness sake what happened here?, why is this padlock so hot? He yell from outside.