

Clara keeps looking around Jack's house, she was impressive by the neatness of his house.

“You don’t like it here?” Jack ask her seeing the way she look at his house.

“No..no..no.. Is beautiful” she was surprise that he has a nice place, she has always thought that Jack and Brian were very poor because Alex was the one who always pay for their bills, they were very loyal to her brother that she sees them as kind of minions to her brother.

“You need to take that off” Jack said pointing at Clara’s cloth, it was do dirty because that has been the only thing she had on her since they adopted her.

She just take a look at herself but didn’t  know how to tell him that she has no cloth to put on.

“Okay, I get it, wait” he walk to his wardrobe and brought his t-shirt and a trouser and gave it to her.

“You can put this on when you take your bath” She just smile and took it and then went to the bathroom.

“This way, yeah, go that way” he point to her and she move to the right direction.

 After taking her bath, she put on Jack's cloth, hmmm, they smell so good and very warm. She sat down on the sofa and Jack turn on the TV.

“Let me take my bath too” he told her and she just nod.

She turn her gaze to the TV and was surprise to see Tami her boyfriend, they were engaged to get married and not to talk of the fact that he didn’t  even show up for one day nor ask about her.

“What!, why Tami why?, so this is all planned out to get to my family!” She starts crying and Jack came out from the bathroom with  only a towel round his waist.

“What's going on?, why are you crying?” he walk close to her.

“Is Tami”. She cried pointing at the TV.

“Who is that guy?” Jack looked at the TV.

“That is just a drama of a couple wedding, is no big deal. Is just a movie”. He said.  “women… must you girls cry for every little thing?” he ask making Clara look up to him.

“Are you blind?, don’t you know the difference between movie and  news.That guy is my fiancé, but he is getting married behind my back.  Maybe he thought I was dead”.

 “What!, ... that guy is your fiance?, I don't think so. That's just a movie show” Clara could see how stupid he really is. She walk out on him and went outside.

She keeps thinking why this people wants her family dead. 

Why the conspiracy?, and why do Tami and Sandra agreed to bring down her family so badly that they have to agree to get married to them.

But what she can’t figure out is how her parents didn't see this coming, they were the smartest people she has ever known so what happened?. She just couldn’t  wrap her fingers on anything, she just let the tears flow.

No one even knows where they bury her dad and mum, this is not how she imagined her parents would die, with no one knowing where they were buried.