
Dangerous than before

“No” they answered simultaneously.

“What Alex! I hope I’m not going to run out of here again?” Sandra said dropping her spoon and looking angrily at him.

“I’m sorry but I’m afraid so, you see, Sandra and Blaze are looking for you again, but this time I think is more dangerous than before” Alex said.

"What do you mean more dangerous than before?, Alex I’m tired of all this, ever since I know you is always been one problem to the other, I lost my family because of you, what have I ever gotten from knowing you?” she yell with all her strength and Jack thought she’s  saying the truth.

She went  away crying but when Alex try to follow her she lock the door and he went back to Jack.

“What’s going on guy?”

“I don’t know, but what I know is that Sandra’s life is in danger”

“What about me?” Jack ask curious because he too can’t go back to his house.

“I think you will be fine”

“Yeah… because I’m not a woman” Jack jokily said but Alex didn’t find it funny.

“So what do they want this time?” 

“I think they want me?”

“So why don’t they just get you?” Jack ask wondering why they need Sandra to get to him when they can easily get Alex.

“I guess they are afraid of me”

“Hahaha”, Jack couldn’t help it. “what are you?, a super man!, when was that?” hahaha he keeps laughing at Alex but still Alex didn’t find that funny.

“Look, you better do something about her, she has be grumbling all day, you know what women want, just give it to her man”

“What are you talking about?” Alex was surprise because he has not told any of his friends about he and Sandra not having sex.

“What did she say to you?” Alex ask in a whisper.

“Is like you’ve not been doing your job” Jack whisper back.

“Look, is complicated”

“What do you mean complicated?, making love to a woman is the most simplest thing to do, is even easier than talking to a woman, but you prefer doing the hard work. I’ve been looking at you since, I didn’t want to say anything, I  know this girl is untouched, and that is against the code man, what are you waiting for, she’s going to hate you man”

“I know, and she has started hating me, but am waiting for the right time”

“What?, right time?, Alex this is not you, there is no right time with us, you know that man.. Do it now before she hate you for good”

"What do you mean?, I hope you didn’t do anything with my sister?” Alex was trying to buy time for himself.

“No.. I didn’t do anything with her”

“Good, you have to keep to your word not to use the code on my sister, and that is what am trying to do with Sandra.”

"Guy you are fucking up, that girl needs you, the code won’t mean anything to her, after all your not leaving her."