
Crushing on her

“I'm so sorry Sandra but I don’t know how to tell you this” she pause thinking of the best way to put it to her, because she was so happy to hear she was going with Clara.

“What!” she looked at Clara with her Puppy eyes.

“I’m sorry but is dangerous out there, Sandra and Mr. Lincoln will stop at nothing to get their hands on you,” she said and turned slightly to look at Zack who is just an inch away from them and Sandra traces her gaze to Zack.

“I knew it, he put you up for this right? you just ask me to come home with you and now you’re changing your mind because he ask you to!” she stormed out on her before Clara could say another word.

She went to the back where she and Alex used to sit when he was alive, she still can’t believe he is gone.

How did her life turn out this way? She has lost everything that means the world to her. “Mum and dad are gone, and bright too, now Alex” maybe is all her fault, why does anyone that comes close to her always die?.

Maybe is for the best before Clara dies too,  let her go alone”

She felt a push as the swing moved on its own, Sandra turn to look but she was the only one there.

“What!” she thought to stay calm and not freak out but the swing keeps moving while she was sitting on it.

“Who's there?” she ask and wipe her tears because she was crying when all of a sudden the swing starts to move.

She jumped out of the swing and looked around but no one is there. Out of fear she hurried back into the house afraid to go out again.

“You did well,” Zack told Clara “Lincoln can not get his hands on her again, if not without Alex we can’t rescue her, so is best she stay safe here.

“Is fine, and thanks anyway” Clara said smiling at him, but Zack quickly looked away.

He has been crushing on her for a long time but didn’t know how to tell her, even though They are so close Zack still finds it difficult to tell her anything. And besides, there is no use since she loves someone else, Zack could see Jack all over her mind and it made him hate Jack the more.

How can he be sleeping with Alex's girlfriend and his sister is falling for him?.

He didn't want to say anything after all is none of his business.

Clara notices how uncomfortable she is making Zack feel so she asks to leave.

“I will see you off”

They both walk off to where she could get a taxi and Zack held her hand. “huh..” Clara turn to look down at her hand which Zack was holding.

“Promise me you would take care of yourself and call me if you notice anything unusual, but don’t do anything all by yourself”