

Jack came out after putting on his clothes but didn’t see Clara, he walk to the direction she went and was surprise to see her crying, he thought it was just a movie but now he knows that is a serious matter.

“Why?, you miss him?” He walk so close to her that she could feel his warmth.

She turned  but her face shoved into he's broad chest. “Oh.. sorry” she said and pulled away.

“Yeah.. Sorry too.. I…was just trying to see if your okay,”

“Yeah… I’m fine” she walked back to the sitting room wondering what was that?.

“Ok.. What will you eat?, I don’t cook in this house so… maybe we can go out and eat” Jack said looking at her but she turned away quickly.

“No..i can’t go with you”

“But why?”

“We barely escaped with our lives, we can't just expose ourselves like that” Clara said backing Jack and he wonder why she’s so nervous to face him.

“Fine, I will go out and get us something to eat, you stay here, I will be right back” he want out smiling.

 “Women and problem… how can she be crying because of a movie!”  Jack muttered and smiling as he walk to his car.

“Hey.. Jack where in hell have you been, and what is wrong with your friend Alex?, I’ve been looking for him like crazy but he keeps hiding from me” Ella keeps ranting all over the place as she saw Jack walked into the restaurant to get food.

“Bring your voice down, people are staring ” Jack look around faking a smile at the few people who stares at them but Ella don’t care.

“Look, if you guys think you can use and dump me!.. You better think again because am going to deal with you guys.

Jack turned, wave a little at some elderly women who turned to look at him when a Ella said the word “use and dump” their faces went sour and Jack was like “Not me”..

“Can we talk outside?”  the elderly women nod at Ella with their soured face. She took her bag and went with him.

“What were you trying to do yelling in public that we use and dumped you?,  did you see how those women were looking at me angrily?. I believe those woman has been used and dump a thousand times, and now you want to go and open their scars by yelling that we use and dumped you, can’t you dumped us?”

 “You just…just.. shut up and leave those women alone, and by the way what’s that you are holding?, let me see” she snatch the bag from him.

“You're buying food!, for who? I’ve never seen you take food home”. She search the fancy bag.  “And what are you doing with a female clothe?,  you have a girlfriend already?”

“It's none of your business, just give that to me”

“Of course not, I'm coming with you and there's no way you're having a girlfriend when I don't have a boyfriend” she walk pass him to his car.