

It was late at night when Blaze got up to go out, she couldn’t sleep, she kept thinking of what Lily told her.   

Was she going to turn into a nun? was that what she was doing? Serving Sandra and her family all the days of her life that she didn’t even consider having her own family!.

“No! I wasn’t going to be a nun, and I will not run away from Brian again. I’m going to let him do whatever he wants with me.”

Brian thought he saw someone walk outside, is late so he knew that only Blaze could do that, she’s not afraid of the dark, Brian has noticed she always goes outside late at night but he didn’t know why so he decided to check up on her.

“Hey…, w-why do you always come out here every night!” he asked her but found it difficult to face her fully.

“Huh…, are you talking to me?” she ask him because Brian has refuse to talk to her since the day she ran away from him when he was trying to kiss her.

“Of course, I’m  talking to you, who else is here?” Blaze look around, is true, is just the two of them.

“Uh…uh.., I can’t sleep so….”

“So?…” Brian took the words from her mouth before she could finish.

He took a step toward her and her heart began to race.

“He’s coming closer!" she muttered and wanted to close her eyes but no! Brian will be angry again, so she keeps her eyes open but was so nervous.

Brian could see how nervous she is, so he stop a meter away from her.

He keeps wondering why she’s so nervous around him, she is one brave girl! so what is wrong with her?.

Brian knows that Blaze could take on three men at a time, but when it comes to him. She became so shy and all her weakness are on display.

“Can I sit?” He asks Blaze pointing at the space next to Blaze.

She only nods. And Brian walked slowly toward her and taking his time not to touch her, he sat down next to her.

“Beautiful night huh..” he asks and Blaze nodded avoiding his gaze.

“Are you okay?” he asks and she nods again.

“I thought as much” Brian muttered because he was running out of questions to ask her, she’s not even contributing to this conversation and Brian finds her boring.

“Uh…I think I have to go inside, don’t stay out for long okay, is late you should go to bed” Brian said and got up to leave, but Blaze held his hand.

“Huh!” Brian looked down at his hand which Blaze was holding so tightly.

“Don’t go, I have something to tell you” she pulled him down and he sat down again.

Brian was waiting to hear what she has to say, but she was silent for almost a minute.

“Go on! I’m listening”. She turned to face him and held his hands in hers.

“I-I. I’ve not done this before” she said and look away quickly.