
Charming beauty

Alex never really wanted to be there, but he’s here!. Evelyn was still hugging him but he finds it hard to hug her back.

“I...I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here” he said.

“W-what do you mean? You’re here already, just sit down” she dragged him to the table and they sat down with Alex just staring at her.

"When will you stop looking at me like that huh?.” She smile and took a glass of wine, hand it over to him and she took the second one.

“Listen, I just want us to be friends, you can call me anytime and I can call you at any time,” she said and sipped her drink.

“Huh! Call me anytime? I’m sorry but you can’t call me anytime you want, I have..…”

“Is fine Alex I understand, you have a girlfriend and a child, but you are not married to her and I keep asking myself why?”

She got up from her seat and went to sit near Alex and his heart keeps beating fast.

Something is just pulling him to this beauty and he just can’t resist the charms. He wants to grab her and have her.

“Or, don’t you love her?" She continues "Why do you keep running to me?”

Alex said nothing, he was just staring at her lips, the way they move smoothly, her eyes, her body language, everything about her intrigues him.

He wanted to know her, he wanted to see the stuff she’s made off.

Of course, Alex still loves Sandra, but he’s not about to tell that Evelyn, she got to leave Sandra out of their conversations.

“Can you please not talk about Sandra? I get uncomfortable when you do that.”

“Fine” Evelyn agreed,  seeing how Alex wanted her but still wants to keep Sandra, so she decided to go with it.

“Time will tell” she reasoned. They drink in silence and Evelyn proposes to take Alex to her house.

He went with her but was so curious and nervous at the same time.

They walk through that large door with Alex looking at every side of the building.

“It's okay, just feel free,” she said to Alex seeing the way he stares.

“I bet she knows what her father does, and what he is planning to do” Alex muttered as he look around.

“This man is rich!” he muttered, he must have killed a dozen people to get this kind of wealth” Alex keeps thinking about it until they get to Evelyn's living room.

She offered him a glass of wine and walk into her bedroom.

Alex got up and wander into another room.

The décors in Evelyn's house are so expensive, Alex noticed.

"Of course, I didn’t expect anything less from her. I mean her father is rich by killing people and she’s a beautiful talented surgeon, of course, she will have an expensive lifestyle."

Alex was startled by Evelyn as she opened the door.

“Looking for something?” she asks.

“Oh. No, I’m just checking around”

"Hmm, let me walk you around, is better that way, don't you think so Alex?” she asks suspecting him.

"Yeah, please” Alex walk out of the room and Evelyn took him around, showing him things.