
Chapter 8 Not on the same level

“No, I have to call Brian, he will be angry with me if I left without telling him” he took out his phone and called him. And Within minutes he was there.

They spoiled the whole place and the girls were all over them.

“Menn…, I can’t believe you guys are enjoying without me, what did I ever do to you guys?”

“Calm down and enjoy, look at that babe, she is looking at you,” Alex said pointing to the girl across who has been eyeing him for minutes now.

“No, is not me, I think she needs you” hahaha they all laugh. The girl just turned and left seeing that they are laughing at her.

“Girls… they like enjoyment” Jack said.

“Yea, just give it to them” Alex yells so drunk.

Jack made sure that Alex took Ella with him by making him drunk.

He got up in the middle of the night and found a woman lying down on his bed, when he turn her over is Ella.

“What is she doing here?”

“Hey... Ella get up, what are you doing here?”

“What do you mean?, am your girlfriend”

“I will decide that not you”

“What! So all this time what did you take me for?” she ask sitting up right.

“Look, we are just hanging out”

“Is that what you call this?”

“Yes, what else?”

“I can’t believe this, I thought you love me?”

“I never say so, but I like you, you are good”

“Is that not the same thing as love”

Alex thought for a second. “No, I don’t think so” because he knew what he is feeling right now for Sandra.

“So what are we doing?”

“Why are you asking me that?, My parents are home, so you have to leave very early”

“Ok, but we have to talk about this”

Alex went out of the room wondering what he was really doing with Ella because is obvious he didn’t feel anything for her, is just Jack who keeps pushing her on him and he can’t tell why.

“I have to stop her from coming close to me, I don’t love her. But wait, when did I start caring about love?, I thought there is nothing like love,  so why am I feeling this way for Sandra? Stop it, you don’t know yet if is love, I just have to see her first.”

The next day Alex is out looking for Sandra, stopping by the market he came down asking for where he could buy fish.

“Sir look at this one, big fish is very sweet”

“Sir look at my own is better than that one”, another woman said.

“Ok, how much is that one?” pointing at the very biggest one.

“This one is five thousand.”

“Ok put it for me”

The lady cut the fish in pieces and package it for him.

“Thank you ma, but can I ask you a question?”

“Yes go ahead”

“Ok, do you know any Sandra that sells fish?”

“Sandra,… Sandra that sells fish?” she repeat after him. “ I don’t know but there is one Sandra over there, her mother sells fish”

“Ok thank you”

“You’re welcome, just go a little bit further, that woman putting on red apron is her mother”

“Oh Thanks”

He walk to the woman and was like “Ma, good day how much is your fish?”

 “Welcome my son, I have  small fish only, but if you will wait a little my daughter is bringing the big ones”

“Oh yes, I can wait”

“Ok sit here”

Alex sat down waiting for Sandra, he has to wait because any moment from now he will be leaving for the state and he has to see her one more time because she is giving him sleepless nights lately.

Alex waited for an hour before Sandra finally arrived.

“What was keeping you? Must you keep this handsome man waiting?”

“Huh… what is he doing here?”

“Sandra…”  Alex called getting up from his sit.

“Alex want are you doing here?”

“I…. I … I.. came to buy fish”

“Do you know him?” her mother ask smiling.

“Yes mother”

“Oh, then what are you waiting for, give him the biggest fish”

“Yes mum” she brought out the biggest one and start cutting it without telling him the price.

“Oh, am sorry this is five thousand I didn’t even tell you the price”

“Don’t worry I will pay”


“Mother let me take this to his car” Sandra said after packaging the fish.

“Please hurry don’t keep the handsome man waiting”

“Yes mum” she took everything to Alex car and he was so happy that she is coming with him to his car.

“There you have it, thanks for coming to buy fish from us” she said smiling at him.

“Yes, but actually I didn’t come to buy fish”

“What? Then what are you going to do with the fish?”

“I really don’t know what to do with them, am here to see you”

“What! Me? Is anything the matter?” Sandra ask amazed that Alex could be looking for her.

“No nothing is wrong, but I just want to tell you that I will be leaving for the state, let’s say next week”

“Ok… so…?” Sandra ask because she didn’t remember been friends with Alex and she is surprise he is telling her this.

“Ok… I just wanted to tell you that and to ask you if you can see me before I leave”

“Me!…see you?...I ..I..”

“I know, but please can you just say yes?, This is my card just call me and I will pick you up”

“When?” she manage to ask because she wasn’t expecting that.

“When your done with business” Alex said and enters his car.

Sandra stood there looking at the direction of his car.

“What!...what?...” she looked at the card again and slide it into her pocket when her younger brother came to call her.

“What was keeping you so long, why can’t you do something quick this days? You are becoming lazy Sandra” she could hear her mother’s voice echoing  in the market but she was lost in thought.

“Why will Alex want to see me?" She ask remembing pat telling her that Alex is the guy all the ladies are dying for including her, so why is he coming here looking  for her and behaving like he likes her?”  

Sandra could not stay still in the market, she wants to go home so she will have time to see Alex.

“Mum let me take all this things home, am not feeling fine”

“I hope is not serious?”

“I don’t know mum”

“Ok, take this money buy some medicine and have some rest, have you eaten?”

“I will mum” she took the money and everything she can carry and hurried home to take her bath.

“What will I wear?” she search for the best cloth and off she went out looking for were to call Alex because she has no phone.

Alex met her at the beauty shop near her house.

“Hey… over here” Alex wave at her and she ran to him.

She entered the car and he drove her to that bridge he met her that Valentine's day.

“Why are you stopping here?” she ask him because the area is extremely quiet.

“Do you remember this place?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“This is where I fell in love with you” Alex went straight to the point, he didn't want to beat around the bush.

“What! Fall in love with me? No… Alex..”

“Please don’t say no, I can’t sleep, I keep thinking of you”

“Alex stop”

“I can’t, I try to talk myself out of it but is not working Sandra”

“Why?, Why me?”

“I don’t know, but is you, please don’t say no”

Sandra is short of words, she didn’t see herself falling in love with Alex because they are not on the same level.

“You can’t love me Alex”


“We are not on the same level”

“Who is talking about level? I love you and that is what matters”

“I know, but Brian left me because I wasn’t on the same level with him and he told me to stay away from his class of people”

“He said that?”


“I want you to trust me, I won’t say that to you.”

Sandra went out of the car with her heart racing. She thought she was dreaming, “this can’t be true, Alex in love with me? I can’t believe this”

“Sandra.. are you ok?”

“Am fine, I just don’t know….”

“Sheee… I know what you are thinking but trust me, I won’t betray you like Brian, because I love you”

He held her hands bringing her close to himself.

Sandra’s heart wants to jump out of her chest “ please let me wake up from this dream” she murmured closing her eyes so tightly.

“Why are you closing your eyes?”


He kiss her forcing her to open her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“Kissing my love”

“So you bought all those fish just because you want to see me?”

“Yes, I keep coming around if I can see you”


“Yea, I want to tell you that I love you before I leave for the state”

“So your leaving then why tell me?”

“I want you to know how I feel about you before I leave so you wait for me”