
Chapter 77

“And by the way how did you hear about that?” Alex Brian.

“Sandra told me, she saw me on the way and told me that you're married.”

“Is that why you told her that we are Playboys.?”

“What!, Playboys?” Jack ask in shock.

“Yes, this idiot told Sandra that we are Playboys and now she believe that I played her.”

“But didn't you play her?, now you're married so where did that leave Sandra?” Brian ask Alex.

“That is none of your business, whatever happened between me and Sandra is not supposed to be your business.”

“It is my business because I knew her first, and up-to-date her mum thought that it was me who took her, but actually it was you. She was in your house that day, she spent the night in your house and I have to be the one to carry the cross.”

What Cross Alex ask surprise.

So you don't know while you are there enjoying yourself with Sandra her mum came to my house and start shouting but I took her daughter I just needed to defend you and took all the blame and you says none of my business?”

“Wow, am sorry man”

“Is ok, but I still don’t understand you getting married to who?, Who is she?, A white girl?” Brian ask

“I don't even want to talk about it” Alex said because he didn't even know anything about Sandra apart from maybe she can change to things, he hasn't really have the time to sit down and talk to her and now he didn’t even know where she went to, she just vanish just like that. “Is that something to discuss with your friends?” Alex thought that it will be a mistake to tell your friends that your wife is s snake and that you just discovered that everyone in your house could change to one thing to the other.

“Look guys let’s just forget about it”

“Why?” Brian ask.

“Because Alex don’t love his wife” Jack said and Alex was like “Bingo”

“Wow… so why did you marry her?”

“When I said is complicated is because when I went to the US, I thought I was going there to take over my dad’s company, other to be presented by this girl call Sandra as my wife”

“What!, Sandra?”

“Yes, can you imagine that?, And she even have to bear the name if my Sandra”

Wait” jack said “let me get something straight, you now date two women call Sandra?”

“Guy, that is it, but the only one I love is the Sandra that you know”

“Why?, You are married now, you can just leave that one for Brian” jack said making fun of Alex.

“Stop it, is not funny, I love Sandra and am not leaving her alone”

“So how are you going to cope with two women?”

“Ran away maybe” hahaha they all laugh.

“You don’t mean that do you?” Brian ask hoping that Alex let go of Sandra.

“I mean it, if there is a way,”