
Chapter 7 How I feel

“But why do you ask?” Brian is so curious now.

“Oh.. nothing, I was just asking to know why you have to treat her that way that’s all”

“Hmm, that girl was always on my neck sending me gifts even in school, maybe she was thinking am into her”

“But why do you keep taking gifts from a girl if you don’t love her?” Alex ask Brian.

“I wasn’t taking gifts from her, she keeps sending them and that is why I turned her down on valentine”

“Is ok, so where are we going today?”

“Anywhere you lead, you know you are the man” Brian said.

Jack couldn’t understand Alex at this time, there is nothing Alex would do that he would not tell him about it, “but why does it looks like he is hiding something from me?”

“What’s wrong?” Alex ask Jack seeing how he kept quiet all this while.

“I have been meaning to ask you this, why are you so concerned about that girl? Are you beginning to think about her?”

“Just forget about that, I have Ella and Cindy and others I don’t need her” Alex said making Jack relax.

“Better” Jack was relieved because he was the one who connect Ella to Alex, she was having a hard time getting to Alex but Jack made it possible by sleeping with Ella first in exchange she will get to Alex and she even gives him money some times.

They all went home but some thing keep telling Alex to go and see Sandra.

“But what will I tell her?”

He took his car keys and drove to the market with the hope of seeing her but she is no where to be seen.

“I thought she sells her fish here?”

“Oga what do you want to buy?” the women in the market start questioning him.

“Oh.. nothing ma”

“Then commot your motto for my market front, blocking my business like that huh…”

“Am sorry ma” Alex drove off looking around as he move.

“Where could she be?” He keeps looking if he we mistakenly see her on the way.

“Wow.. what is wrong with me? Am I falling for this girl? No, maybe am just curious, yes.. am curious” he smiles and keeps driving.

“Where are you coming from?” his elder sister ask him behaving like his little mother.

“What now? Can’t I go out again?”

“Are you talking to me in that manner?”

“Am sorry, I didn’t mean to”

“You better be sorry if not I wouldn’t tell you want dad said”

“Dad call?”


“Ok am sorry, just tell me”

“No, you go in there and take a shower first”

“What? Do I smell fish again?”

“No, but let me see because I don’t trust you again” she inhale him.

“Ok you are good to go” Alex shake his head and wonder when she’s getting married and leaving this house.

“Dad….” Alex call from outside when he saw his dad.. “What is going on?, Why am I having all of you back home?” is a really big day for him because his mom and dad are home, first in history.

“Son how are you?” he shake his hand like a man.

“Am fine dad, what’s the occasion?”

“What do you mean? This is my house” hahaha they both laugh.

“Am sorry dad, is just that….”

“I know, I know.. you see I believe that you will come to understand me one day”

“Really? I hope so” Alex said so happy, he has been so angry at his parents for not always been around and now he feels like a little boy again.

How he wish they will never leave again.

“I can see you are enjoying yourself” his dad said seeing how he was smiling from ear to ear.

“Yes dad, am so glad you and mom are here, how long are you going to stay with us?”

“Enough for you to enjoy yourself my boy”

“Ok, I have to invite my friends so we can have a party”

“That will be a lovely idea, but while you are enjoying yourself get ready because you are leaving the country with me”

“What! Why? I just got back”. Alex protest.

“I know, but is time we show you around, so you become familiar of all that belongs to you and maybe met someone….

“Excuse me dear” his mother cuts in.

“Ok mom, see you guys later” Alex left them to Jack’s house.

“What were you planning to do?” Alex mother ask her husband.

“I don’t understand you”

“Is going to be a surprise, you don’t have to tell him yet”

“Ok, I will leave it to you then”

“Alex…what are you doing here this early” Jack ask surprised. He has never known Alex to visit people’s house but this days is like is becoming frequent for him to visit.

“Can I sit down at least?”

“Yes, but why are you not happy?”

“I was happy when I woke up but my dad spoil my mood”

“Hahaha, is your dad back?”

“Yes, but only to spoil my mood, I thought of having a party so I can invite all my friends but he just succeeded in spoiling everything”


“Am moving again”

“I don’t understand”

“He came back only to take me with him, saying something like I need to know everything about his business and to meet someon…..” he pause, “what did he meant by that?” Alex ask himself rather than Jack.

“Guy, you can forget about the party let’s just hanghang alone. Me and you and Ella” he added.

“No, I don’t want to see Ella”

“But why? She has been faithful to you” Alex look at Jack and gave out a big laugh.

“Why are you laughing at me? Did I say something funny?”

“Faithful! Are you serious? Do I look like her husband?, Guy stop this hahaha” he keeps laughing at Jack making him get angry.

“Am sorry ok, I just can’t help it, you made me laugh”

“I get you, you can laugh at me all you want. But Ella loves you”

“Stop saying the word love, you don’t know until you experience it” referring to what he is feeling right now, he wants to see Sandra by all means possible but how to ask Brian to take him to Sandra’s house is a problem.

“When did you start teaching people about love? Or is there something you are not telling me? Are you in love?”

“What! Me no, you know me, I can’t love this girls” Alex said pretending to be strong.

“Anyways, there is no point loving any girl, they just can’t keep to one man” Jack murmured referring to Katherine who switch from him to Brian immediately Alex left to study abroad.

“And by that you mean” Alex ask.

“Can’t you see what Katherine did to me? She left me for Brian”

“Are you still talking about Katherine?”

“Yes, I feel like punching them when ever I see them”

“Calm down, is just a girl”

“I know, but what about you?”

“What did I do?”

“Your mood is changing this days what’s up?”

“I don’t understand your question so I don’t have answer for you”

“Ok, if you don’t want Ella then let’s look for someone else”

“Someone else like who?”

“Hmm I don’t know, who do you have in mind?”

Alex thought maybe he should tell Jack about Sandra and the way he is feeling.

“Let’s look for that toy” he said.

“Which toy?”

“That Sandra” Alex said looking at Jack to see his reaction.

“What? What are you going to do with that girl?, look just forget about that one, I thought you have some one better than Ella”

“Is she not a human being?”

“She is but guy, look at it na, who is she? What is her background and what does she do?”

Alex thought Jack is right, everyone will just laugh at him and that is why Brian didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

“Fine, let’s forgot about her”

“So were are we going and with who?”

“Just the two of us” Alex reply.

“Just the two of us? Naaa, it will be so boring”

“Then you get someone because as for me am cool”

“You may be cool but am not” he took his phone and call Ella telling her to bring her friends.

“You have no problems, just make sure the pay is ready”

“You don’t have a problem, Alex is loaded”

“That’s my guy, that is why I love you” Ella said so happy.

“Just remember to get me my own cut” Jack hang up the call and went back to Alex.

“So should we go now?”

“Yea, let’s go” he went with Alex

They drove in with this clean white Benz and all eyes on them, the girls walking pass them like three to four times in a roll but Alex is use to the attention seeking girls, he just ignore them.

“Should we call Brian?” Alex ask”

“No don’t” Jack said, not wanting Brian to enjoy the way he is enjoying Alex before he leaves to the state.

[Author’s Note]

Dear beautiful readers please don’t enjoy this book alone, rate this book so that others will see and read it too. And it will make me happy to write more and give you my very best thanks from your best author Beauty.