
Chapter 67

“What do you want?” Alex ask the man looking at his face but he couldn’t recognize his him because of the mask he was wearing.

The man turned back and told the others.

 “He wants to know what we want!”

“Hahaha, they all laugh at him.

“Look little man, we want you; and we want you dead”

“Why?, I’ve not wronged you and I don’t know you in the first place so why will you want to kill me?”

“ hahaha they all laugh at him again.

“He is the most stupid ellingboe I've ever seen” one of the men said and Alex find himself repeating the word ellingboe after the man.

 “What is ellingboe?” Alex find himself asking these strange men

“He doesn’t even know who he is, hahaha”

“Kill him at once” another man said.

And they all rushed at him, but Alex out of panic went down hitting his hand on the ground and there were flashes of light and boom he vanished.

He saw himself where James and Brian are sitting down sipping their drink.

“What! What!! What!, what just happened” Alex keep asking and looking around panicking.

He was sweating from head to toe at the same time.

His friends just look at him “Are you sure this guy is okay?” Brian ask James.

“Why are you asking me? you can ask him he’s here”.

 Alex was surprised, of all the places in could appear it was where Jack and Brian is.

 Maybe because he was thinking about them, he was contemplation if to come and see them or go home, but now he just appear here.

 “What is wrong with you?, sit down and stop behaving like you’ve seen a ghost” Jack try pulling him to sit down but is like he was pinned to the earth, Jack can’t pull him with all his strength.

 “What is wrong with you?, sit down and stop behaving like you seen a ghost”

“Yeah, sure” Alex said looking around the place soon frighten but on a second thought he has to go before those men comes here and kill friends.

“ I'm sorry I have to go”.

“What!, But you just got here why are you going and why are you behaving as if you’ve seen a ghost, sit down man we were even talking about you”.

“ I'm sorry guys, but I have to go. I will explain to you everything but not now. Something is going on and I don’t know what it is, I’ll see you guys” Alex left leaving Brian and Jack surprised.

“Did you see that?” Brian ask Jack.

“See what?”

“Didn't you see Alex eyes?, it turns blue while he was standing here”

“No, I didn’t look at his eyes, why will his eyes turn blue?”

“ I don’t know, but guy I saw it, maybe Alex is in trouble serious one.

We’ve got to help him”.

“No, I don't think Alex is in any trouble, maybe he is just making an excuse to see Sandra” Jack said.

“Yeah maybe you're right” they sat back and continue drinking.