
Chapter 65

“You should have just told her straight forward that you went to check up on him instead of beating around the bush” his father said.

“Yes dad, but you taught me not to go straight forward in life and I'm trying to emulate your teachers father” Zack said bowing before his father.

 his father knew that he could be an assholes sometimes but now he is telling the truth.

“So how do you see him?”

“Well, he is more powerful than he thought, the problem is that he doesn't know that he has powers. He doesn't even know who he is. He’s just there playing with the humans and I think they are going to kill him one day”.

“Really?, I hope you didn't go there to expose yourself.

“No father but I do try a little”

His father looked at him and ask him to go.

“You can go, make sure to keep an eye on him, we need him more then he needs us”

“Yes father’.

Alex and Sandra are having a hard time getting along with each other, it made her want to leave but the instructions was for she never to leave Alex side, they have a lot to gain been in-laws with him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Alex ask Sandra when he caught her looking at him as if she wants to kill him.

“No, am just curious”

“If you really knows who you are”

“Yea, yea, don’t go there because I don’t care.”

“Alex you need to master your powers, you need to know who you are”

Please stop it, I don’t have any powers, except the once you guys are trying to put on me, I was completely normal years back until you guys showed up and mess up my whole life.

Now and here with a woman I don’t know”.

“Well, that is not supposed to make you angry, your parents are trying to help you out”

Help me out indeed, look am a graduate, I expected to be working in some kind of big company managing large staff, but what do I see?, S bunch of lunatics everywhere clamming to have some super powers, what do I do with that?

I need to help my friends start a job in my company,” he said looking up at the sky and about crying because he didn’t know how he was supposed to tell Jack that there is no job anywhere.

“Is ok, if you understand how this things work it wouldn’t be this difficult for you”

Yea, your right, I don’t understand any of this, and that is why am asking you to leave me the fuck alone” he tells her and went out of the house to no particular place, he just wants to stay away from her.

“Wow, I thought this was going to be easy, but I guess not” Sandra said and walk back inside the house.

Where is Alex?” Clara ask Sandra.

“He went out angrily”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know, he was angry that his life had change and that he doesn’t understand any of it”