
Chapter 63

“What in hell are you doing?, trying to use your powers to stop me” he ask Zack coming out of his car.

“ I'm not trying to use my powers on you, I just want to join you home that's all”.

“And I said no, you can use your powers and disappear from here.” He told him and went back into his car, but when he try starting the car again it refused to move because Zack has pin it down.

“Now I'm going to kill him” Alex came out of the car so furious at Zack he could see sparkling of fire in Alex eyes.

“What the hell, so this guy is this powerful! Zack was a little bit afraid.

 “Unpin my car right now” Alex command Zack and he did.

“What the fuck” he curse and went back into the car and drove off without Zack but to his greatest surprise Zack was already home when Alex got there.

“How the f*ck you did that?” Alex ask Zack, but he didn’t answer him. He was still angry that Alex forced him to use his powers, any time he uses his powers that way he becomes weak but Alex has made him use his powers and it made him angry.

“Guy am talking to you”. But he refused to talk.

Back home his family has started looking for Zack, he didn’t tell them where he was going and now they can't find a Trace of him.

“My family is looking for me so I have to go”

“ Yea, you really need to go after all I didn’t invite you here”, not give a damn if he stays or leave.

“ I see, it's nice staying with you anyways but you have to be careful with your human friends, they might kill you one day.”

Is you guys I should be afraid of, not this human, they don’t have the kind of powers you guys have” Alex defended his friends.

“Yeah you are right but humans are more powerful than you think, just be careful , I’m beginning to like you Alex” Zack said and left but Alex don't give a damn.

He went back inside so happy that he will not be seeing some strange things around him, at least for the moment until his supposed wife arrive.

After two more weeks Clara announce to Alex that his wife is on her way coming and Alex heart sink, he knows he can put up with disappearing guys but he can't put up with women turning into snakes around him.

“Why is she coming here?”

“’Why won't she come?” Clara ask back “have you forgotten that you two are married?”.

“When you talk about being married I can’t feel anything like that, because I’m not” Alex said.

“Well, save your energy for her. maybe you have a lot to tell her”.

“Yeah, I sure do have a lot to tell her, let her come and I will tell her my peace of mind.”