
Chapter 62

“Oh no, I'm sorry it's just a slip of the tongue”. and Alex shot Zack a deadly look.

“ I'm sorry, I'm out of here”. he took his drink I went outside.

“Hey guys please, I’m sorry about that ok, I’m really sorry about this.” Alex apologize in-behave of Zack.

“Come, where did you bring that guy from?, because I’m just pissed off right now”. Brian said.

“Yeah, you’re pissed off to the point you want to kill me?” Alex ask Brian.

“What the f*ck are you talking about” Brian ask getting up to face Alex.

“Yeah of course, I know that you're planning to kill me and what for?, is it because of Sandra?, we are friends and you had the chance to date Sandra but no, you didn't, rather you humiliated her and ask your friends to bully her. So why are you hating on me.

 I didn't do anything to you, I didn't take her away from you, so why do you want to kill me?”.

 Brian just turn and look at Jack, “What is he talking about?, who wants to kill you?, have you gone crazy.?”

“Hey guys calm down, what is going on?” Jack went between them.

Ella was just looking at them, “and which girl are you guys talking about while I’m here?. You are talking about a girl!”

Alex push her aside,

“Ella stay away from this, I’m not talking to you”. He turn back to Brian

“What do you want to do now, going to fight me?, let me tell you something take your hands off Sandra because she’s mine ok, she’s mine and mine alone.”

“F*ck you dude,” Brian throw away his glass cup and it shatters on the ground, he walked out of the place very angry.

“Guy what is wrong with you, you’re behaving strange, why would Brian want to kill you?”

 Alex sat down holding his head, he is so confused. Maybe Zack was lying to him, why will Brian want to kill him because of Sandra, they've been friends for a very long time so why would Brian want to kill him because of a girl.

“ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me”.

Ella looked at Alex up and down, she was very furious at him. She didn’t understand why she will be here and Alex will be fighting with Brian because of another girl. She stormed out of the place promising to deal with Alex.

“ I don’t understand any of this anymore, why will you just come here and just throw bomb at everyone.” Jack ask Alex.

 “I'm sorry man, I'm just sorry” he get up to leave, he enter his car and starts the engine but Zack appeared.

“hey dude, where are you going?, I need to join you back home”

Alex looked at him and asked him to go to hell. “Stay away from me and my friends do you understand.?”

“Hey, I was just trying to help”

“Give me a break, I don't need your help” Alex said and start the engine to go, but he saw Zack at the front of the car.

“Move away, I'm going to hit you”

“Try it”

 Alex start the car and move to hit him but the car wasn’t moving.

“What the f*** is that.?” Alex yell inside his car.