
Chapter 59

“Hey.. relax, I can’t help you, am not a love doctor” Zack said moving away from Alex.

“Please I know you can help me” he went on his kneels begging and crawling towards Zack who keep moving backward.

“Look, all I see in your thoughts right now is love, and a girl standing there crying for your help, but the thing is am not a love doctor, I can’t help you” Alex keeps begging and crawling towards Zack when Clara came in seeing Alex and Zack’s mood, she shouted.

Alex what are you doing?, do you want to hurt him?”

Alex stood up and stand upright coming back to his senses.

“Oh, nothing we are just talking”

“Talking!, with you moving like that..

“Yeah he's gone crazy” Zack told Clara.

“Stop it Zack, it's not as if I was trying to hurt you”

“Wow really! I thought you wanted to eat me whole” Zack said sarcastically and laughing at the same time making Clara confuse.

“Well I will leave you guys” Clara said looking at Alex, “be careful Alex” she closing the door behind her.

“What was that for”, Alex ask Zack.

“ I don't know, you are trying to eat me whole”

“Will you stop playing around I’m serious here”.

“Yeah, I know you're serious but seriously I can’t help you, but I can only give you advice”.

 “So what do you advise?”

“Go for your heart Alex.”

“Go for my heart?, how do I go for my heart?, right now I'm not human, but the girl I love is purely human and now I'm already married to another girl who I don’t know what she is.

She could be half snake or full snake I don’t know” Alex said making Zack laugh so hard.

“What are you afraid of?”

“Well, I’m afraid if the girl is a full Python or something like that, and what she will do to my Sandra when she finds out that I love someone else.”

“I can assure you she’s not a full python but she can change to things.

If you like this human then go for her. The thing is you're going to have a hard time with your community, they will come after you and they will come after the girl. You have to make your choice”

“I don’t want here getting hurt, so am thinking of letting her go”

“That is if you can” Zack said and lying down on the sofa.

“Well I think I have to stay in your house today because you will be needing me for a lot of advice” he said taking off his suit he laid down on the sofa.

Alex left him there and went to his room but towards evening he took his car key and left the house.

“Where are you going?, wait for me” Zack ran after Alex but he didn't answer him he just went into his car and turn on the engine and was about taking off but Zack rush to the front of the car.

“I said I'm coming with you.”