
Chapter 57

“Keep your power to yourself”. Alex yell at her not wanting to hear any thing about that because he is in good mood right now.

Taking Sandra home and meeting with her little crazy brother is fun to him, so the last thing he wants to hear is about what Clara things.

“Well I can see that you're happy today, but I'm so sorry to blow your bubbles Sandra your wife is coming and mum asked me to tell you to be good to her. Don't show her that you don't love her make her comfortable.”

 Alex stop on his track, it’s like he is stuck in a mud ground, unable to move he turned and look at Clara.

“What did you just say?”.

“You heard me Alex” she walked away smiling to hurting his feelings.

“It was like a thousand pins are struck on him, he could feel the pains already. He could feel his world crumbling under him, he didn't know what to do.

The only thing that came to mind was “Run” but to where would he run to?. It took him time to regain consciousness “Fine, let her come, I just has to accept that there is nothing he can do about it, this is his fate, I guess I can’t run away from it”.

  Alex prepare to receive Sandra, he is going to be straight forward with her, he practice how to take to her in his bathroom mirror.

“Sandra am sorry but I love someone else, no, Sandra I know you are a very beautiful girl, but the thing is that am in love with another girl call Sandra” he keeps practicing.

Alex, come out someone is here to see you.

Alex heart sink, “this can’t be, so soon?, How can Sandra arrive so soon?, He keeps asking himself as he walk to the sitting room with his heart in his mouth.

“Who are you?” Alex ask when he got to the sitting room but didn’t recognize who the hell is the guy.

“I Know you Alex, I we’ve met before, but why are you behaving as if you don’t know me?”

“That is because I don’t know you”

Fine, let me rewind your memory,. Am Zack from the Party at your home back in America.

“Oh, the guy who read people’s thoughts?”

“Well, you can say that, but that is not exactly how it works, let’s say I can hear what you’re thinking at the moment but for your information is not everybody thoughts I hear”

“Good, so what do you want?, Coming all the way from American it must be huge?”

“Yea, am here for a serious business”

“Ok, let me hear it”

“Consider the fact that you are next in line, my family, our family rather, have come to a conclusion that I contact you even though I didn’t really want to because I don’t like you that much, but I said let me try.”

“I really don’t get you, can you go straight to the point” Alex ask becoming inpatient already.