
Chapter 50

“No one, I decided to come see you”

“I don’t want to see you, just go away.”

“Ok” she said and left”

“Oh thank goodness, I don’t want to see all this snakes in human form, how can I marry a snake” Alex keeps murmuring and it made Sandra angry. She could hear Alex, from where she was, but she decided to let it go.

Brian and Jack decide to call Alex because it’s been long they saw him, but he keep ignoring your calls, he didn’t know what to tell them, he didn’t know how to explain to them how his life is turned upside down.

“What is wrong with him, is he beefing us?” ask Brian.

“ Who cares if he likes let him answer his call, if he likes let him not answer I don’t care” Brian said.

“Why are you like that, is it because of Sandra?”

“Alex is not supposed to do that, he’s my man, and he knows that Sandra is my girl”

“Point of correction, Alex knows nothing about you and Sandra” Jack defended Alex.

“Says who?, Do why did he ask me of Sandra, how did he know Sandra?”

“Guy chill, you know the rules, but you let her go, but Alex, I trust him, he can’t let her go just like that” Jack said laughing and making Brian more angry.

Is time for Alex to return home but his wife ask that she stays behind for a family meeting.

‘Fine,” Alex said so happy that she’s not coming with him.

He got back but decided to stay indoors, after two weeks of staying indoors he got tired and decided to come out.

“Look who is here” Jack gave him a hug.

“Guy you are not trying at all, how can you just leave your guys without a call, we even call you but you didn’t pick what’s up?”

“I have a lot on my plate”

Really?, Tell us who are jobless jack said making fun of him.

“Is not like that, I was busy with work”

“Guy you’ve started work?, That is lovely, please don’t forget your guys, remember what we talked about, we are now graduate please talk to your dad, for that employment thing we talked about”.

Alex was just looking at Jack thinking that if only Jack knew, he wouldn’t even dares to ask him to tell his dad concerning employment.

“Why are you not saying something?”

I’ve heard you, let me see what I can do, but for now am still on the process of getting my own office, when I do I will let you know”

“That’s my guy, look any other Alex is fake” he hail him but Alex wasn’t smiling.

“Guy.. what about that babe?”

“Which babe”

“Sandra, Brian is causing a scene because of that girl”

“What did he say?”

“He said you should leave the girl alone”


“I don't know, maybe he likes her, maybe they both had something together.”

Alex didn’t know what to say because to him, Sandra is better safe with Brain. In as much as he didn’t want her to go, he has no choice but thing is how is he going to tell her that he doesn’t want her again, he has already gave her his word that she should wait for him.

[Author's Note]

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