
Chapter 5 Not my Spec

Alex wake up the next day to see his sister standing by his bed side looking at him.

“What? You scared me, don’t ever do that again”

“Will you shut up?” she almost hit his head, she was like a mother to him since their parents are too busy to look after them,  they have always left them in the care of maids and nanny’s so she has taken upon herself to be a mother to him.

“Who are those people fighting outside the house yesterday, and where did you hurried up to when you drop Jack?”

“Do I have to answer all that?”



“Because am your elder sister and you answer to me”

“Since when?” Alex ask getting out of bed and reaching out for his clothe.

“Since you became my younger brother damnit” she curse because she knew Alex wasn't going to talk.

“Look big sis, is too early to get angry, you will become very ugly and besides uncle Tami is coming today, so you need to get ready and beautiful too"

“What? Did he call you?”


“And he didn’t call me”

“You made me spoil the surprise” she hurried back to her room to get ready for her boyfriend, she has miss Tami like mad and today he is coming. So she let Alex off the hook.

“I will get back to you” she pointed at him while leaving his room.

“Why did she have to remind me about that? I am trying so hard to forget about that girl and her fish and she dares to remind me?”

He got out of bed took his bath and walk out to see the rest of the family.

“Good morning son” his mother greeted him.

“Mom!! Are you still here? I thought you left already”

"No, I want to stay with my son, is been five years I stayed with you, this month will be for you alone."

“Really?, Am so glad mom, he rushed to hug his mother. This is the first time in his life that he will be spending time with his mom, words can’t describe his joy.

“Come, I have something to show you” he followed his mother to her room, Alex can not remember when last he entered this room.

She opens the door and let him in.

“Sit down my son”

Alex sat down wondering what this special occasion is all about.

She brought out a gold box and open it.

“Look, in here is every documents of my estates” she brought out another box and opened it, it contains only a key.

“This, you will take this to the bank when you are ready to know what’s in it”

“Mom what’s going on?, Why are you showing me all this things?”

“Nothing my dear, you have come of age, and is only right that I show you some certain things”

Alex was relieved because he thought maybe his mother is about to die.

“But am going to give you this for now” she hand Alex a credit card.

“What do I use it for?”

“You’ve made me proud, so am gifting you this card, spend it anyhow you want, go change your car, go to the best shopping mall, do what ever you want but be very careful”

“Thanks mom” Alex couldn’t believe his ears, his mom never gave him anything throughout his schooling, it was only his dad that made sure he lacks nothing. But this! This is so flabbergasted.

He went out of his mother’s room but Alex is not the type to start spending money like a prodigal son, he has learned to be responsible long time ago. But he was so happy today that he thought of visiting his friends one after the other.

“Hi Alex” Brian came out to greet his friend.

“What’s going on?”

“What?, Are you not happy to see me?”

“Not so, but I hardly see you in my house” Brian complained.

“Fine, I know I’ve not been a good friend but will you blame me? Today am here, tomorrow am abroad”

“Yea, your right, welcome man” they shake hands and Alex went in with Brian.

“So what can I get you?”

“Nothing man, we just need to go out, I have enough for everyone”

“Does it mean we are going out with Jack, Katherine and Ella?”

“Yea, I guess so but why Katherine?” Alex ask Brian.

“She’s my girlfriend”

“Really? When did you two became this close? I thought you didn’t like her”

“Guy is a long story, when you left to study abroad things change, and we hooked up” Brian said smiling.

Alex wanted to ask about Sandra but thought is not necessary.

“Hi… Alex” pat rush into his embrace. And Brian roll his eyes, he has always known that his sister love Alex but Alex keeps ignoring her maybe because they are friends or because he doesn’t love her.

“Glad to see you in our house” she said smiling with both side of her mouth.

"Yea, thanks, we are about to leave” he got up signaling Brian to meet him outside.

“No, you can’t leave just now, your just coming in right?”

“I have to go pat, I will come back again.”

“You promise?”


“My sister love you Alex” Brian told him ask they entered the car.

Alex just smile at Brian without saying anything.

She has never been his Spec and nothing has changed since then.

They drove down to Jack’s place, she has been Alex best friend among them all, Alex is more open to Jack than to all of his friends that is why he enjoys more privileges than them all.

“Heyy.. guys, who do we got here” Jack hail them from afar.

“Today is a big day for you to come to my house”

“What’s that?, I always come to your house” Alex said but Jack was talking to Brian.

“Am sorry man, Alex took away the friendship with him when he left” hahaha they all laugh. But all was a lie because Jack and Brian has be beefing one another because of Katherine.