
Chapter 42

“Whatever, am out of here, Jack said and left Brian to go back to Alex.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” he ask Alex seeing that he was so busy with Sandra.

“Ok what is it?” he said not willing to get up from his seat.

“I mean I want to see you outside, alone.” Jack said looking at Sandra.

“Ok” he turn back to Sandra. “Excuse me”

“Am fine” she said smiling at him and it mind him happy all the time.

“What is it?” Alex ask once outside. “I don't understand you”

“What do you mean?”

“What are you doing with her?”. Jack ask with a surprise look on his face.

“Ok I still don’t understand what you mean”.

 “Alex I only send her to you because I thought you wanted to play, not for you to start laughing and behaving like a longtime lover with her.

“Look I know you Alex, just hit it and go away, that is how we do it”

“No, that is how you do it not we” Alex told Jack. What is wrong with you?”

 “Guy ok, look,” Jack puts his hand on Alex shoulders not knowing how best to explain to Alex that this is not the rules.

 “What are you doing with her?, No, tell me” Jack ask still holding Alex shoulders.

“You mean Sandra?” Alex ask as if he has lost his mind.

“Yes of course” Jack wanted to yell at him but held his peace.

“I should be the one asking you that,” Alex said and Jack took his hands off him.

“What do you mean?”

 “Are you not the one that send her to me and I appreciate your gift” he said smiling at Jack.

“Will you cut the crap Alex?, you know what I’m talking about, what about the rules?”.

“What rules?”

“Fine, since you're playing dumb with me let me tell you. You can't date Sandra simple”. Jack said and walk out on Alex angry.

 “What’s wrong with him?” Alex wondered. He went back to Sandra who keeps staring at him without saying anything.

“Are you okay?” he asked her.

“I'm fine, but what is wrong with your friends?, Why are they walking away angrily?”.

“Don't mind them just drink and let’s go home it's getting late”

“Ok” they left without seeing Jack and Brian.

Getting home Alex pretend to fall asleep easily while Sandra was dying for his touch. She keeps turning and Alex will open his eyes and close it again quickly.

“Alex…Alex…Alex…”. Sandra keeps calling. “Are you asleep?” but he did not respond.

She wanted to touch him but withdrew her hand, she didn’t know if he will get angry. She turned the other way and tried to sleep.

 Alex turned to look at her when he noticed that she was quite. He keeps trying to hold her but remembered what Clara said, then he turned back and went to sleep.

 They kept on that way till the next morning.

“Good morning Sandra” Alex try talking to her but she wasn’t happy with him.

“hey.. is anything the matter? why are you answering me?”

 “nothing, I’m fine”

“But you are not happy” Alex said walking towards her”