
Chapter 37

“So tell me how was your trip?”. Sandra ask all smiling. but Alex wasn’t smiling.

 “There's nothing to tell” he said.

“Why? you can’t go to the US and then tell me that there’s nothing to tell” she said so excited to hear from Alex.

“Don’t get so excited there’s nothing to tell really”

“Please Alex don't be like that, you know I've never been to the US before but I always hear stories lovely stories about the US. I was hoping that you could tell me a little about it”.

“What do you want to hear?”

“ I heard that everywhere in the US is beautiful and that there is no night season in America. And they say that every street have Santa Claus that delivers food free to everybody” Sandra said with this puppy dog eyes.

“hahaha Alex laugh so hard, that will be the first time he is laughing ever since he went to the US and back.

 “Why are you laughing at me?”

“That is because you sound so funny, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Who told you that there is no night in the US?, we have morning and night in the US just like every other place in the world.”

“ Then what about the flying cars?, Are the stories true?”

“What? Flying cars?” oh my goodness. Alex yells laughing and rolling on his bed.

“Yes I heard there is no night there, that every where is Bright and beautiful, and then the cars; they fly across the sky”

 Alex could no longer hold himself he laughed and roll on the floor. “This girl you’re not going to kill me, who told you all those crap.?”

“So I heard”

“You know what?, Am going to take you there so you see for yourself”. Alex find himself making promise he is not sure if he can keep it.

“Yeah really? thank you Alex, just tell me when we are going and I will be ready.”

They are still talking when Clara walk in, she was shock to see Sandra.

“Hi Clara” Sandra greeted her smiling so innocently. But Clara didn’t respond. Alex I need to see you now.” She ordered and went out.

Alex reluctantly went to see her.

“What are you doing Alex, you mean to tell me that everything you saw means nothing to you?”

“Yes, they all means nothing to me”

“You have to send her away immediately, don’t let me tell mum about this”

“Go ahead and tell her, I don’t care”

“Really?, I don’t think you want to play this game with Sandra, because she will die in the first round” Clara said.

“What do you mean?”

“Alex is dangerous, if you love and care for that girl, then let her go, it wouldn’t take seconds to kill her and you know it” she yells at Alex.

“But why?, She is the woman that gives me joy”

“We don’t care about joy, we only cares about out status” she said looking into Alex eyes.