
Chapter 34

“Look guy, we need to hit the club and show them that you have arrived” Jack keeps talking without looking at Alex’s face

“Wait let me just call Ella” he brought out his phone to call Ella but Alex took the phone from him and was about smashing it when Brian got hold of him.

“What is wrong? I was just making a call” Jack said surprised.

 “Who do you want to call”

“Ella of course”

“I don’t want to see Ella and I don’t want you calling Ella for me beginning from today”. He said and walk to his room leaving them there.

 Brian and Jack keep looking at Alex with open mouth.

“ What has come over him?”.

“What's wrong with your guy?” Jack ask Brian.

“Are you asking me, his behaving strange”

 “Guy let's go.. let's go… Jack said and they went out of Alex’s house wondering what has come over him.

“Look it's better we don't hang out with him anymore, his wealth is getting into his head we better let him go”. Brian told Jack.

 “I think that’s all we need to do, we need to stop hanging out with him what is that?, we came to his house and he wants to fight with us”

Alex waited for more two days before realizing that Brian and Jack are very angry at him, he has no one to talk to, he has no friends they are the only friends he’s got. He drove down to Jack's place to apologize.

“ I am very sorry for the way I acted last time, I'm so sorry I was just not ok”

 “Look you scared me ok, you scared me, what's going on? what's wrong with you?”

“ I said I’m sorry can we just forget about that? we need to go to Brian’s house I need to apologize to him too”.

“Fine let’s go” they enter the car and drove to Brian's place.

“Hey guys.. how are you?” he hug Alex and Jack not remembering what happened.

 “look I'm sorry for what happened the other day” Alex start apologizing.

“Come on, what’s that?, Am cool ok, I’ve forgotten about that really”

 “So are we hanging out today”


They went to hang out in a bar but Jack secretly called Ella and within seconds Ella is all over the place shouting at Alex.

“What have I done to you Alex?, what did I ever do to you? why don’t you like me? you don’t mean to tell me that you came back since how many days ago and then you refuse to call me” She keeps shouting at him.

 Alex still not responding, he was just looking at her and wondering if she really knows who he is?.

 Brian and Jack were surprise because Alex had not spoken a word since they got here not to talk of Ella shouting at him but he still keep quiet and looking at her without talking.

“Something is definitely wrong with Alex”. Jack whispers to Brian.

“Yeah I think so”.