
Chapter 31

“You better talk to him, I won't have a weakling in my bloodline” his husband storm out on her”. She just look at him and walk back to her room. “But I left Clara in charge of Alex why is he so weak?”.

 Clara went outside to meet Alex. she tries talking to him but Alex stopped her. “enough I don't want to hear anything from you, I understand now, everything is true it was not a nightmare”. Alex turned to face Clara. “Tell me the truth, what are we? Because I don't understand.”

“ I don’t get what your saying” Clara said pretending not to know what Alex is asking.

“Ok, earlier I saw mum’s tongue change into that of a python and then for Dad I can’t explain what I saw in his eyes, so I'm asking you are we human beings?” Clara just laugh.

“look I am not laughing. I'm very serious ok”

 “Ok I know that you are so upset right now and that you're thinking a lot of things in your head but can you please give yourself time to digest everything?”

“Clara why are you not telling me?, what is going on are you even a human?”. He ask her with a surprise look.

 She laugh so hard. “of course I'm a human being”

“No you’re not and it seems you know a lot about this but you don’t want to tell me you’re just playing me”. He said walking out of that place but she keep following him.

 "ok calm down, I will tell you"

Alex stop in his track when he heard the word "I will tell you" he turned to Clara "now tell me what are we?"

"look it’s a long story ok, but I’ll make it short. we are half human and half...

"Half what?" Alex yell in  frustration, because he knows that Clara wants to cut that part off.

"our great-grandparents  flew a terrible war in their Kingdom and they came to Earth and because of their powers they assume powerful positions on Earth but as for we, we are not purely demos we are partly humans and partly demons so whatever you saw in mum that is who she is"

Alex open his mouth wide he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"so what about me? what happened to me? what happened to you?"

"The thing is that you are  purely human that is why mum was asked to kill you when you are a child but because she loves you so much she send you far away from there and then he kept me in charge of you."

Alex begin to understand why his mother and father were so distance from him, so if I'm a purely human then why did they want me to rule the organisation?"

"that is because Dad wants his son to rule but unfortunately he has no other son but you that is why you need to show yourself that you are not the way they said you are".

"so what if I refused to rule them what happened,?"

"Then Dad is going to kill you"