
Chapter 27

“We should join them if you don’t mind” she said trying to hold Alex’s hand “Thanks, I don’t want to, am cool here”

“Ok if you say so” she left him alone walking elegantly to join the crowd.

 Alex keep looking at her as she walk, she must be very educated and polish, this are the type of girls he like going out with, but remembering his father and mother and what he saw made him hate everything about her. “surely she is no different, if Clara said that they are all in the same boat then this girl will be one of them.” Alex reasoned.

After she left Clara walk up to Alex “she’s beautiful right.?”

“Maybe” Alex said and makes to walk away from Clara but she stopped him.

“They're waiting for you”


“Just follow me”.  Alex turned and follow Clara back to the gathering.

“Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please, while we are enjoying ourselves please give me your ear”. The man they call Lord stood up to give the announcement “Distinguish ladies and gentlemen I want to use this opportunity to announce to you the engagement of my daughter Sandra and Alex.

There was murmuring in the crowd before they start clapping for them 

“Thank you.. thank you.. thank you everyone, the date of the wedding will be communicated to you all in due time, thank you all for coming”. There was round of applause as Alex and turning around looking at everyone. It was like a dream to him. Sandra walk closer to Alex holding his hand and he just keep nodding and putting on a fake smile.

Clara could not help but pity Alex. She stood afar looking at Alex and wondering what is going through his mind.

When they are done with introduction and everything Alex hurried to the car waiting for Clara so they can go home.

Once inside the house Alex throw himself on the bed and sleep off.

 Sandra keep looking at her phone for Alex call but none was coming she wanted to call but no, “let me wait for him, tomorrow he is coming back after all. We are going to see each other tomorrow” she keep wishing that the night run faster so she can see  him. 

Alex woke up in the middle of the night shouting “Sandra” because he has been fighting and struggling in his dream to save Sandra in that dream he saw a very huge python trying to swallow Sandra but he woke up trying to save her.

“What is all this?, what have I gotten myself into?,  I just wish I was born into a poor family.”

He keep thinking about the dream when Clara knock his door.

“Alex are you okay?, I heard you scream is anything the matter?”

“I'm fine just go away”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I'm sure just, go away is just a dream”

“Ok, I'll be in my room if you need anything call me”
