
Chapter 22 Confused

When he woke up Clara and his parents were sitting down waiting for him to wake up.

“Oh you are awake?” his mother said “Thank goodness”

“Mum what is going on and why are you guys treating me like this?”

“Son you need to understand you are going to be the next to hold the organization highest position”

“And what organization are you talking about here?”

 “The organization of the rich, this is the organization of the rich, the 1% rich people in town and you cannot afford to miss this opportunity”

“But why are they using candles on me are they trying to do some rituals on me?”

“No, it’s not rituals, is just an initiation, you have to take the oath of office to be the leader of the organization, they have to sign you in for you to rule the organization.”

“So this organization you guys are talking about what do they do?”.

“Alex, this organization protect the rights of the rich from the government and I'm the head of the organization for now, but we have voted you in so you need to take an oath of office so that when I step down you will be the next to take over”

 “You mean I will be the one to be ruling all those people out there?”

“Yes son, all those people you see out there are multibillionaires they are at the top of society and you will be the one to hold the organization after I step down”

“But why me?” Alex ask wondering how rich his parents are to be holding such office.

“Why not you my son?. Look your father has been doing it for years and that is why I cannot afford to lose that position” his father said.

Alex was still confused he didn’t understand what ruling those people and doing this incantations mean, he keeps wondering if something bad is not going to happen to him.

 “But what if I die in the process of this rituals?”

“Son stop calling it rituals, is not rituals. Is just for you to take an oath of office, whatever they said you say that is all. you’re not doing any rituals.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am here. I’m your father I won’t allow anything bad happened to you trust me”

 Alex look at his father again, he didn't think he can trust his parents right now because the mood in which he saw them is not the mood of him trusting them anymore.

His mother turn and look at Clara

“What have you been doing with Alex?, I thought you taught him everything we told you, why is he so weak? why is he acting like a baby?”.

His mother question Clara.

“Mum I'm not a baby. I'm only asking what you guys are doing because I don't understand beside Clara didn't tell me anything anyways.”

“Is ok son everything will be fine, you just need to do this once and you are good to go.”