
Chapter 21 Strange Place

“Does your son knows the rules and regulation of this organization? because from what I have seen of him so far he doesn't know what the rules are” Mr. Lincoln said.

“Well the rules are not that hard to learn. I will personally teach him what the rules are and I believe that he is going to learn before I step down” his father said again.

“Does anyone have any objection?” the man at the head of the table ask but everywhere was quiet, no one was willing to challenge. No one was willing to talk. Because to all feared the most powerful Wale.

“Well, then Alexander will lead the organization after his father” the man said and turn to Alex father. “Make sure to teach him the rules”

“Yes my lord”. The man hit the table again and everyone was dismissed.

“Are we going home?” Alex ask Clara.

“No Alex, we still need to see someone” Clara took him to another hall where some strange looking men are. They all turned and look at him.

“What is it?, why are they all looking at me like that?” Alex heart sink within him.

 “You just had the announcement down there, you are going to be the next to rule the organization. So you need to do this”

 “What do you mean? what do I need to do?”

“Just keep quiet and follow me” Clara said.

Getting to the place Alex saw his father and mother putting on black and a man standing in the middle with candles round him. Alex held Clara and drag her back

“What is going on? why are we here and why is mother and father putting on black?”

“You have to keep quiet Alex, is your initiation, just keep quiet and comply there’s no going back Alex.”

“What!!.. Alex give out a shout and Clara held his mouth.

“Will you stop shouting?” his father and mother only turned and look at him and then turn away again to the man in the Middle with the candle.

 He called Alex. “Alex come forward” Alex stood where he is but Clara pushed him forward.

 He moved forward and then walk gallantry to the man. His parents breathe in a sign of relief.

 “Stand here” he pointed at the circle in front of Alex.

“You are going to repeat after me”

“Why?” Alex ask the man and everyone turn to look at each other.

“Alex just do what you’re told” Clara said.

“I can’t just do whatever am told” Alex yell at Clara. He didn’t talk to his parents after all his father and mother are behaving like they don’t know him since they got here.

They were just looking at him without saying anything to him.

The man turned to his father and ask “Are you sure he's ready for this?” his Father reply “Yes my lord”

 “Then I will give you 20 minutes to talk to him”

“Yes my lord”

 Alex was relief, at least he need to know what is going on.

 His father and mother took him aside.

“Son you need to do whatever they asked you to do”

“But why father?, why will I do whatever they ask me to do?.

 You did not tell me anything all this while and then you just want to bring me here and do whatever you like.

 I'm not going to take this” Alex said I start walking away. but someone hit Alex at the back and he fell unconscious.