
Blaze out

"What happened?” Sandra and mother rushed out to met their dad, he was bleeding seriously.

Why?, who did this?” His wife demanded.

“Is Alex, he’s something else can’t believe this”

“Alex did this!, is he dead now?” Sandra ask with a frown face.

"Is hard to kill him my dear, we all have to be very ceareful.” Sandra walk away to her room, she has not told her parents about the diamonds, she secretly wanted it for herself, she’s not going to let Alex or anyone get their hands on it, she’s going to protect those boxes with her life. So when she heard her father talk of been careful, she went to see if the boxes are still where she kept it.

“Hmmm, thank goodness they’re still here.” She thought of bringing Blaze out of the store room. She need Blaze now than never before.

“Thank you Mistress” Blaze bow before her and promise never to disappoint her again.

Sandra has picked up Blaze when she was just six years old, she spare her life and took her to be her servant.

 Blaze parents were killed in the war and their village burned down, but it was Sandra and her family who were kind enough to let her live.

She told them her loyalty and she will do anything Sandra asked her to do even if it means dying.

“Lily and Blaze has gone on to be good friends but now Blaze is leaving her just the way Sandra did. But Blaze promise to always visit her if she ever go out of the cell that serves as an ancient storehouse.

“I really think that you don’t have to kill the humans, one of them is your husband” lily has told Blaze when she was still in the cell and she has thought it was Jack.

Blaze wasn’t so sure if she can keep her promise to Sandra, what is the obey her and kill her future husband?, what happened then?.

She has been walking among her kind since Sandra brought her here but not a single one of those guys have ever ask her out.

She too desires to fall in love someday, and Jack has shown her that she can be loved; except that he played her and took advantage of her but she still appreciate the fact that he looked at her in that way.

We have to protect this two boxes with our lives” Sandra took Blaze and shown her the boxes.

“What are you going to do with them?” Blaze want to know.

This boxes are very important to Alex, and I know he’s going to come for them.

“You have to kill him if he dares”

“Yes” Blaze bow to Sandra, she can see that the Sandra she use to know is gone, she is dealing with a demon Sandra who is ready to kill anyone and destroy everything.

She dares not question her decision or else, she will pay dearly for it.

Blaze stopped at her track as she over heard Sandra and her parents talking about Alex and what he has now become, she didn’t know if she’s a match for him.


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~ 🥰Beauty