
Almost died

“Like what? a hero?” Jack asks in a mockery tone but Clara asks him to stop It.

Zack only looked at him and wish they are out of there so he can teach him a lesson.

“Look let me show you how to do this, I will distract those guards while you take them down, then Clara can rescue your mother,” Jack said laying down the plan of action and they agree.

Jack walked out of their hiding place and move toward the three guards watching over the glass.

“Hey. Who are you?” One of the men said pointing a gun at him and Clara’s heart sank, she prayed silently that nothing should go wrong, she didn’t want to lose Jack.

“I..I…I I’m an investor” he said nonchalantly and still walking close to them but the guards began to walk closer to Jack.

“What investor? You are not allowed to be here”  they said still coming close to him but this time Jack starts to move back and the men approach him.

“Hey… calm down, I just want to take a look, I don’t mean any harm,” he said raising his two hands.

One of the guards cocked his gun as he point it at Jack.

“Shit..” Zack muttered and ask Clara to take the other man down while he goes for the one pointing the gun at Jack.

Zack blows up the man's head while Clara takes the second man down then the third man fired at Jack but he was lucky enough to go down before Clara shoots the man in his head.

She rushed at Jack. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve never been this okay,” he said breathing heavily as he was practically holding his heart in his hands. Clara smiled at him and pull him up while Zack rushed to the glass room and rescue his mother.

“Thanks,  we couldn’t have done this without your help” Zack, told Jack once they are out of there.

“Is a small thing” he said feeling so proud, at least Clara will see him as a hero.

“Yeah, he tried a lot,” Clara said smiling at him and Jack was like “Is that all she can say to me? Not even a kiss” Zack heard him and his blue gaze shifted to him and Jack froze.

“What!” he ask in his head not daring to speak out but Zack just shook his head. “This guy is a clown”

Clara saw the intense look on their faces so she thought to ease the tension.

“Uh… I think we should go home now” she clears her throat as she speaks.

“Yeah, Zack reply to Clara but was looking at Jack in the eyes.

“Why is that guy looking at me like that?” Jack ask Clara as they made their way home and Zack took his mother home.

Clara smirked, she knows why Zack was behaving that way but she was not about to tell Jack that, is because of her. She knew Zack likes her but she likes Jack.

“And why are you not saying anything? You’re just smiling” Jack ask Clara who just smile at him .