
Afraid to loss her

 “Zack! Oh, thank goodness you are here, I thought you left me for good.” Alex was relieved.

"I thought your friends will help you,” Zack said.

“Please stop hating on Jack, I know he can be an asshole sometimes but he’s still my friend, just leave him for me okay.”

“Whatever”  he took a glass of wine and sip on it.

“Did you notice something?” Alex asks Zack.

“Uh... Something like what?”

“Those guys” he pointed at them.

"Of course, I, noticed, they are here to cause trouble,” he said and sip his drink.

“Huh!” Alex's eyes widened “But he promised not to kill anyone, why is he doing this”

“What are you talking about?” Zack asks him.

“Lincoln, he’s the one who sends those people”

"I don’t think so, I know how Lincoln operates, I think someone else is after you”.

“What? Who could that be?”

“I don’t know, is like you have so many enemies,” Zack said and walked away leaving Alex standing there,  confused. "Is Zack going to help out or just keep talking?" He murmured.

Alex was so worried, that he could not take his eyes off Sandra and his daughter, he ask Brian and Jack to take care of his daughter as they will be busy with the wedding.

“All I know, these people could kidnap my daughter while we are busy,” he said to them.

Jack and Brian are ready for this, no one will take Lilian away from them, they will put up a show if anyone tries it.

"Just relax,” Zack told Alex but he just can’t relax.

“Sandra are you okay,?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing, just checking up on you” he smiled at her and Sandra was so glad that Alex has changed, he is so excited to marry her that he can’t just bring himself to stay away from her, at least that is what she thinks, not knowing he’s afraid someone might kidnap her before tomorrow.

“I'm fine, just stop following me, people might think I cast a spell on you and that is why you can’t afford to stay away from me,” Sandra said to Alex.

“Yeah, let them think whatever they want, I love you too much to let you slip out of my hands this time” he keeps following her everywhere she goes.

“I want to take my bath, do you mind?” she asked him trying to make him leave, but Alex won’t take that chance, he’s afraid he lose her, and he’s going to protect her till everyone is gone out of their house.

She took off her clothes, standing bare before Alex, taking him by surprise, she has refused him for a long time now, but what is she doing? A night before their wedding!

“Huh! I… I…” Alex stammered.

“Don’t think up things in your head Alex, I only want to take my bath, but you won’t stop following me”

“Huh!” he blinks a few times but Sandra walk past him into the bathroom and Alex swallowed as he turned and stared at her walking away from him, then suddenly covering his manhood with both hands, he didn’t know thet his little tool saw Sandra before his eyes do, it’s already standing up to greet her, but is like Sandra is not in the mood.