


 he couldn't believe that he is not fully human even though he saw himself doing some strange things he still couldn't believe and he still prays that he wake up from this horrible dream.

Alex went to bed with a heavy heart and as he dived into the dream land he saw Sandra crying and begging him to rescue her but in that dream he saw Sandra hanged upside down and a huge fire built under her but as he was trying to rescue her someone hit him from behind and he fell down and then he screamed and wake up from the dream.

Someone rushed into Alex room and when he woke up he saw a girl standing over him and she's so beautiful, he wanted to ask who she is but remembered that this is not his house so he kept quiet.

 “Are you okay?, I heard you scream so I rushed here”

“Yeah, I'm fine where is Zack?”

“Well, that will be my brother and I don't think he's around. He went out, is not in his DNA to stay at home at night, he is always on the patrol” she said sarcastically and sat down on the bed with him.

Alex could see that she is indeed Zack’s sister because she kind of behaves like him, they always appear not to be serious but they are the most effective people Alex has ever known.

“What do you mean is it a policeman why is he on a patrol?” Alex ask the girl but she just smile at him and Alex heart just melt because this girl is so beautiful.

“Alex snap out of it” he told himself when he realized that he has a very big problem ahead of him, this is not the time to think about beautiful girls he need to find a way to rescue those whom he loved.

“Are you hungry?, I can make you food to eat” she said and Alex just shake his head.

“Thank you I'm not hungry”

“It's ok I want you to be free with me” seeing the way Alex is so tense around her she got up from the bed and sat on the chair because he keeps moving back away from her and when she noticed it she up.

“Fine I'll just go if you need anything let me know and by the way my name is Adora she said with a smile that melt Alex heart.

“Yeah, thank you Adora. I'm Alex” he finally said.

“ I know your name and I've seen you before” she said and then close the door.

“Hmmm, yeah, I guess she’s right, after all everyone here knows me, except that I don't know them” Alex murmured.

Within second Adora emerge with a plate of food place it in front of Alex.

“But I told you I'm not hungry”

“Yeah I know, but you still need to eat”

Alex took the food and start eating while Adora seats opposite him looking at him straight in the eyes making Alex uncomfortable.